WOW! Not only did I reach my Feedjit goal of 4000 visits, get a new pair of Dansko shoes that I have been pining over for years, but I got an award too? How can a girl be so lucky in one week?
What can I say other then Thank you! I was given this fantastic award by WSU Laura. I 'm honored and humbled by such an award. I would never have guessed 5 months ago that anyone would read my blog let alone give me an award for it. I know I have said this before with other awards received but it's still true. I never really believe it when I receive an award. AGAIN THANK YOU!
Here are the rules that go along with this award...
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you. WSU Laura
3. Nominate at least 4 (or as many as you like) other blogs.
The Barn House
Tres Birds
Ramblings of a Soccer Mom
4. Add links to these blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
So go enjoy these blogs as much as I do. Thanks WSU Laura for thinking of me. I really appreciate it.
It's Sunday morning and The Hubs and I are having a little coffee and tea trying to decided if we should get busy with some projects around here or just blow it off and go do something fun. You know I'm leaning towards blowing it off!
I'll let you know the out come later!
omg no way. I didn't know anybody read my blog. Thank you so much.
Thaks so much Timi!! You made my day!!:)
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