Today is an over cast, kind of misty day here in the Pacific Northwest. We have had 10+ days of nice weather. It's been in the upper 70's with a big full orange moon the last couple nights. As usual in this part of the country our summer came late and will now continued in to September and if we are lucky part of October. This is the perfect time of year if you ever want to visit the Pacific Northwest, because it's nice but not too hot. The trees are starting to change but it still feels a little summerish out.
With the weather being kind of crappy today, I decided I would go to Lowe's and get a curtain rod (this is curtain rod #3, the other two were too flimsy and bent in half because of the weight of the drapes which is why I don't have them up yet) for those swanky drapes I got last weekend. I can't wait to show you when I do get them up. I think they are going to be fabulous!
Anyway.........back to the real story........
I was at Lowe's standing in line to check out when a cashier (dressed in jeans, t-shirt and work boots) tapped me on the shoulder and said "I can help you over here" so I went over to the next counter. As I walked up and put my stuff on the counter she said to me "have you had a conversation with your little piggies letting them know it's time for them to be put away for winter?" At first I was like WTF??? Then I realized she was talking about my toes and the fact that I was wearing sandals.
I'm not the sandal and sock guy /woman that you see around Seattle year round but I do wait until it's cold and too wet before I turn in my sandals.
I guess this was the clerks nice way of telling me its time to put my summer clothes and shoes away. I'm so happy I stopped in at Lowe's HOME IMPROVEMENT STORE to get a fashion tip! I guess summer is officially over and it MIGHT be time to start thinking about bustin out my other shoes and puttin them on notice that they might be getting worn soon. Piggies......consider this your pink slip!
Have a great weekend
I'm usually rocking some sort of flip flop unless there is snow on the ground. I say wear them while you can!! :0)
I'm still in sandals most of the time, but here in The South we can get away with that until, well, October at least before people start to look at you funny. Climate wise, until about January.
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