A Special THANK YOU Today
To All The Women and Men Who Walked This Weekend!
To All The Women and Men Who Walked This Weekend!
A Very Special Thank You To
Genine and Team Walkers For Knockers!

We have all been effected someway by breast cancer. I know I have been.
If it wasn't for these women and men walking there wouldn't be the awareness, the research or information out there. I'm a true believer because of the Susan G Komen Foundation all those in my immediate circle effected by breast cancer are here today and are now SURVIVORS.
Genine's husband was so kind to send pictures to all of us through out the weekend. I just wanted to share some of them with all of you. WSU Laura was the cheering section all weekend so check out her blog as well. I bet she has some fantastic photos! She along with Michelle, Heather and Mother Madden were part of the cheering section for these ladies , bringing them whatever they needed and just offering some moral support. I admire these women. I'm such a ball baby that I would be COMPLETELY useless to them. I would start crying on the way there and be a blubbering idiot the rest of the day.
Here are some of the photos

Team Walkers For Knockers

The sea of pink tents.
We have our walk this Sunday in downtown Portland. My sister in law is a breast cancer survivor but now has it in her spine. So, we are all walking and I sure hope the weather cooperates, if not oh well, we are still walking!!
Thanks for sharing those pics, they are very touching!
Good luck with your walk this weekend! THANK YOU! You will have an amazing time rain or shine!
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