Eugene Oregon
Not Just Covered Wagons and Beavers
Not Just Covered Wagons and Beavers

The new blog will have most of our Eugene trip in full detail with pictures but I made a little side trip that was not in the Eugene area and it was defiantly blog worthy so I have to yap about.
So check out Camping Diva for the details of the trip and read on for the "behind the scenes" of the trip. Some of it's duplicated on both blog posts because I'm just not that creative and The Hubs gets tired of no dinner or clean underwear when all I do is blog.
With the Mobile Estate loaded and ready, we left on Wednesday night after The Hubs got off work. He drove as long as he could and then we just pulled over at a rest stop to sleep a little and get up early the next morning, then back on the road. We have found this works out well for us on long trips. It cuts down on the sitting in traffic time through the big cities (Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, and Olympia. We have to go through 3 of the 4 to go anywhere south) and breaks up the long road trip. Especially if there IS NOTHING between here and there.
When we woke up the next morning we were surrounded by semi trucks hauling a carnival. How ironic since we are usually a traveling freak (The Nuckinfuts) show ourselves. The Hubs and I decided it was a good chuckle and was defiantly blog worthy.
That's us on the left, carnival truck on the right. In case you were confused.
This just cracked The Hubs and I up. We were still laughing about it on the way down the road.

My very first stop in seeing Joy's beautiful home was the bathroom. It's very vintage and cute. It was a long ride with a huge Sonic Burger Soda . Now why did she have to mention Sonic Burgers in her blog right in the middle of her story you ask? Why is that so damn important? Because I don't have a Sonic Burger near my home. When I can have a Sonic Burger Diet Coke with that little rabbit poop looking ice I'm as happy as a ....(insert your own here, mine were all too offensive)..... It's a huge treat worth mentioning!
Joy has some of the most fabulous treats laid out for her guests. Isabel had made some pineapple cake something or other that was wonderful. I'm hoping if I mention it here in my blog she will post the recipe. There were some fantastic breads (To the creators of those posted would be great!) also. I could have stood and ate all of it if I thought it wouldn't have been rude. Then Isabel said "did you try the pumpkin fudge?" Oh, no I missed that. I'm not a fudge eater so it wasn't my first choice. I'll have a piece to be nice.
HOLLY SMOKES! That was some freakin fabulous fudge. It was like eating candy corn. Joy has the recipe posted on her blog. It's from her friend Pam at My Grand Kids Rock. I suggest you print that baby off, make some up and call it your own! Not only does Pam's grand kids rock but so does her pumpkin fudge.

Story that has nothing to do with this it was just cute....As we were standing in the kitchen introducing each other and Joys husband (a very nice man) was standing there the whole time like he wanted to say something. When I finally said I need to see your bathroom Joy turned to her husband and said "is there toilet paper in the bathroom?" His reply.......classic man.........."well if I could get a word in edge wise, I was going to tell you we needed some" it just made me chuckle. Poor guy was being over run with women that day.
The Living Room
Her cute little office. Where all the blogging magic happens.

***Note to ladies who love this but don't have it because "The Hubs won't stand for it"..........It's BS! In my being nosey at peoples homes, I have found that some husbands (most) don't care how you decorate the house. They don't care if it's all flowered up. In my almost 3 years of marriage I have learned............Don't ask or discuss it with them, just do it! Most of time they never notice anyway. JUST DO IT LADIES! Life is too short!
Joy had all kinds of cute little displays set up through out her house. Made me want to go home and start redecorating. 

This is her lovely dinning room. Makes you want to invite yourself over for Thanksgiving dinner dosen't it?

Meeting Joy and Isabel and the gang was so much fun. I have had e-mail exchanges with them, commented on their blogs and admired their posting. Meeting them was just a plus. When driving away and making my way to Baumn Farm (one of my most favorite spots to stop at when in the Salem area) I was thinking about my visit to Joy's. How meeting everyone was like reconnecting with old friends even though I had never met them. Joy was so gracious and welcoming. She gave me a tour, introduced me to everyone who walked through the door, gave me crafty demonstrations and showed me one of her new projects Dumbo the RV.
As I said before Joy's home was like stepping in the pages of Romantic Country Home Magazine. It was lovely and made me want to go home and start tearing stuff apart and redecorating. However there was one thing that really stood out to me and made me see what all this is about. When I was using the bathroom I noticed Joy had her bathrobe hanging on the back of the door in the bathroom. This was so symbolic to me. No matter how lovely the home is, magazine ready or not, it's still someone's home. It's a place were friends and family gather, laughing around the kitchen table happens, baking bread happens, disagreements happen, and people run out of toliet paper. A true country home wether it's in the country or the burbs is about welcoming friends and family and making them comfortable. The home should scream "stop by anytime without an invitation" Thank you Joy and company you were great examples of all these things.
This whole blogging thing that WSU Laura turned me on to months ago has changed my life. I think about how it's introducded me to people and places I probably would have never discovered. While doing all this reflecting I missed my turn to Bauman Farms so I didn't get to go there this trip. That's also why there are no pictures of Bauman Farms. Sorry about that.
So some changes around here at the House of B's...........spend more time with family and friends, do something I have always wanted to do, no matter how scarey it is, and be gracious and kind to everyone you meet. You never know who's reading your blog! :-)
So now I sit here with a horrible sinus cold, amongst my piles of dirty laundry, writing when I should be cleaning .
Franklin The Wonder Cat made some huge messes while we were gone. It appears he had a party while we were away with his thug friend Orange Tom Cat. I told him I didn't want him hangin with him anymore. He's trouble!
This is what Franklin does to start trouble. He hides in the bed and waits for some poor unsuspecting soul to walk by and he attacks! 

Things were knocked over, broken, puked on, and rugs moved to other rooms when we got home. Every piece of furniture we own is covered in cat hair.
The Mobile Estate needs to be cleaned out and ready for The Hubs to take back to storage. I think I'll have a Diet Coke, some cold meds, and a nap first!
Have a great day!
Have a wonderful day!
I just realized you have another blog...!! You do such a great job "reporting", sometimes I feel like I don't really know how to write much about stuff, then the post seems rushed to me (maybe because I AM always rushed!!).... I need to learn with you gals!!!
hope you're feeling better! Scuse me while I go back and look at all of those pretty pics again, the house is a-mazing.
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