Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to all our Veterans and all men and women currently serving. We appreciate your service, dedication, and sacrifice.
This day has special meaning for us here at The House of B's.
The Hubs is a veteran, 21 years of service in the Navy.
Thank you Hubs!
Here are a few of my favorite Veteran pictures

Our 3 favorite Veterans here at The House of B's
Left... Captain Rob US Army currently serving. Leaving soon to Iraq
Middle... Chief Jay "The Hubs" 21 years US Navy. Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom
Right.... Chief Bob US Navy WWII and Korea.
Thank you guys!
Chief Bob and Captain Rob. I Love this photo!
Bob is The Hubs step dad and Rob is The Hub's step brother.The Hubs at his retirement ceremony.
Princess Spoiled Brat with The Hubs. They were pretending to fly the plane.
All 3 arrived safely. Princess Spoiled Brat leading the big Y E A H!
You have to end every celebration with cake!
Bake your favorite Veteran a cake, pie, cookies, or cupcakes today.
They will appreciate it.
Happy Veterans Day
We all appreciate him and everything he has done for our country- God Bless America!
Thank your hubby for us, will ya?
and all the rest of those at the house of Bs
out here at the beach!
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