So here we are 5 days in to the new year. I had hoped that my first post for the new year would be something of astonishment and amazement. That blogger professionals from all over would be writing me telling me that my talent was something like they have never seen before. I would be setting a bar of excellence for myself that you would all be saying "can she keep it up?" " I can't imagine she will be able to top this post"
Well it seems none of that will happen. I will be staring the year out with a posting that will only make the rest of the years postings look like possible Pulitzer Prize Winning Material. Well maybe not that extreme but chances are fairly good that over the course of the next 12 months I might write something better.
I made The Hubs take a break from that damn bathroom (it wasn't going as planned) on Friday so we could go to the Seattle Remodeling Show at the Convention Center in downtown Seattle. I have already moved on to the next project. Poor Contractor Hubs hasn't even got the first one done, or half done for that matter and I'm already thinking of next.
We took off and headed downtown Seattle. I'm not sure why we don't do this more often. Every time I go down there I find some place else I want to go. One of these days I'm going to go down and just go shopping at all the fun stores at Pike Place Market, Bell Town and Pioneer Square. I have been to these places many times but there is always new places popping up.
Our first stop was Teacup Seattle on Queen Anne Hill. I have talked about this place a million times in my blog because I LOVE IT! With all this togetherness over the last month in the house and being so cold I have drank A LOT of tea and I needed to replenish my supply. Well this time I was met with the best surprise of all........................A NEW STORE! This new bigger store they have is beautiful. No more ordering on line for me! This will now be my excuse to go to Queen Anne. Which also has lots of cute fun shops.
Next stop was the Seattle Remodel Show. It was stupid! Waste of time and money. Not many vendors, lots of window company's, siding and kitchen places was about it. It took us all of about a half hour to walk through, gather a little information and blow out of there. As we were leaving the parking garage The Hubs says "so we are down here, where do you want to go now?"
SHIT! I don't know? Now that I'm down here, can't think of anywhere to go! I hate that!
We headed across Lake Washington to Bellevue, Bellevue Square to be exact. This is one of the fanciest of Malls in our area. It's also got the worst traffic problem ever, so I seldom go there. The main reason I wanted to go there was because I thought we could eat an early dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy. I had been to one of these restaurants when I was on a trip to Chicago and it was really good. It's one of those places we have been meaning to try but just never get over that way. Traffic always sucks!
I had also watched the movie Hancock the other night and have been jonesin for spaghetti and meatballs ever since. It took over my need for wanting to go to the casino.
Then I got up Friday morning and The Hubs was watching Food Network and Micheal Chiarello was making roasted butternut squash lasagna. It looked really good. Now for sure I'm going to need some sort of Italian pasta and sauce and something or other to get rid of the cravings.
So we parked and walked through the mall. Of course we had to go look through a couple stores. Macy's being one. We wanted to look on the clearance tables for some items for The Mobile Estate. It's that time of year to start getting ready for up coming camping trips.
Here are my little finds for the Mobile Estate. Martha Stewart cutting boards. Screaming deal at $10 for both. Also the Martha Stewart ice cube trays, which were $3 each. What I really needed and was really looking for was a small set of pots and pans. We have gone on more than a couple outings that I packed everything but pans to cook in. It might have been subconscious. I don't know? I'm just sayin it's possible. I was so excited that when I got home I took the plastic wrapper off to wash the cutting boards. When I took the plastic off I thought the piece of paper would just fall out too. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH no........some jackass stuck those to the wood. That's probably why they were on clearance. Martha found out about that stupid move and decided to fire the person who thought stickers were a good idea. Then she had them put on clearance to get rid of the product before anyone was aware of the mistake. She's like the Housewares Mafia.

Then we walked through Nordstrom to look at shoes. Just to see what was on sale. I'm a big fan of Dansko shoes as some of you all ready know. There was a style that I really wanted this last fall and never bought. When I finally decided I really wanted them they were gone. So I just skipped it.
Well, as we walked through the shoe department I saw them! Right there on top of the display, the birds starting singing, the lights got brighter, and I run over to take a look. Oh, isn't that nice? The ones on display are my size. Let me try those on to see if I really do love them. Oh, my they fit like they were custom made for me. I grabbed myself a sales person and asked to try these shoes on.
Off he went to get my size. He came back from the stock room and said "these are the only size and last pair"
People if this isn't a sign from God I don't know what is?
Wrap em up! I'll take them! Here they are.
Aren't they lovely? I know they aren't everyone's style but I love me some funky ass shoes. These are Funktabulous!
Now I need to explain to The Hubs when I get home why we will only be eating what's left in the cupboards for the next month or so. Hope he likes canned Mandarin Oranges, Pork and Beans, and various marinade sauces.
But first I'll make him some crab sandwiches for dinner out of that fresh crab we got from my Dad. I'll even crack it out. That should butter him up enough for me to show him my new shoes. Nummy...........these are really good and really easy. They are much better with a salad or fresh tomatoes. Princess Lazy Ass didn't think about stopping at the store for SOMETHING TO EAT FOR THE FAMILY! She was busy thinking about her new shoes and how she was going to explain them.
Pauline Dale’s
Award Winning Open Face Crab Supreme
Recipe from the kitchen of Bev Weathers
6 slices Bread, lightly toasted – spread with tartar sauce
2 cups Flaked Crab
3 or 4 drops Tabasco Sauce
2 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 teaspoon Lemon Juice
1/3 cup Mayonnaise
1 cup Cheddar Cheese, grated
Combine mayonnaise, lemon juice, Tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Add crab. Mix gently.
Spread tartar sauce on toasted bread. Spread crab mixture. Top with shredded cheese. Place under broiler until cheese melts.
Garnish with lettuce leaves dipped in paprika, lemon wedges, tomatoes and olives.

I know you are all dying to know what's going on with that bathroom.
Well heres where we were as of Saturday when I left for the mall. The Hubs and his partner Charlie had a huge hole in the floor. After taking up the linolium he found 3/4" plywood nailed and glued to the floor. It all had to come up in order for us to lay tile. After he took that up (it was a job) he found that the subflooring around the toilet was rotten. So it all needed to be replaced.
The Hubs and his partner Charlie were trying to figure out how that rotten hole was going to work out.

When I got home Saturday night The Hubs had the floor fixed and part of the wainscoting up. He wanted me to take a picture of this. He said it was totally blog worthy. He got the holes cut, lined up and everything level in the first try. I'm so proud of him! This is his first time doing anything like this ever! He's learning as he goes and doing a great job.
This was Sunday morning.
We still have quit a bit of snow. The Hubs had to dig out his sister and her boyfriends truck so we could take it to the airport for them. Their truck has been here since the 6th of December. They went on a long fabulous tropical vaction. Won't they be surprised when the arrive back Tuesday.
Now let me flash you forward to Sunday night 9:00 pm

The Hubs and Charlie watching it snow AGAIN! It started snowing around 2:30 or 3 but The Hubs said it wasn't sticking because it was too warm out.
Now it's 9 pm and we have 3 more inches. The Hubs spent all afternoon shoveling the driveway so that it was finally all clear and......I could possibly get my car out. I'm not sure if he's holding his head in disgust because it's snowing again and all his hard work is for nothing or because if this keeps up he won't be able to go to work in the morning and GET AWAY FROM ME!

Picture outside on the porch. You can't see the snow coming down like crazy.
This is nuts! We don't have this kind of weather here!
Oh my goodness girl - you had me laughing so hard that my hubby was concerned. LOL! I loved your first post of the new year! I am so looking forward to reading the many more of 2009! Next time I venture up that way, we will have to do lunch and shopping - you are so much fun!! :o)
Feel free to send some of that snow down south. When it started snowing yesterday, I was already for another snow day, but alas, it turned to rain and the inch that we got is all gone. I just got the kids off to school and I'm home alone for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks. I should be productive, but you know how that goes :0)
Hey Timi!
Fun weekend you had for sure. I was drooling over those pictures of all that crab. Lucky! Paula Deen has a great recipe for crab and shrimp au gratin you should try. I made it once and have been dying to make it again. It's delish! Love your new shoes too. I have been thinking of getting me some dansko too for awhile now for my planter facaitis. Are they super comfy or just cute? Wow, you really do have lots of snow. Ours is all gone, just a little sprinkling last night that already melted. I'm so glad as I too do not do snow driving. Hope your week goes great!
Are Charlie and The Hubs joined at the hip? Those pictures are so cute!
You're sick of snow? I'd love to have one good one here in central Alabama. It's so rare. It's almost balmy today. I've had the door open at the shop all day. But it's dreary. Icky, rainy looking. And lonesome. People just don't get out antiquing in this kind of weather.
Enjoyed your first post of 2009.
LOL oh my gosh, you get me laughing so much!
Now I know what things you have been up to and CRAB too, LOVE CRAB!!(Doing that with a cookie monster voice.)tee hee
Glad you got out and were supporting the economy!!
Wish I was, still putting Christmas away ugh but about 2/3 done and so I am on a role.
Getting motivation this time of year is my biggest battle but I got some today!!
Thanks for the laughs!
If you haven't gotten the stickers off the cutting boards yet, you might try using a hair dryer on them. Heat sometimes will loosen adhesive. Worth a try, anyway!
I just realized the other day that one of the things I really love about buying mostly second hand stuff packaging to deal with!
I love crab!! I love all kinds of seafood!! Sounds like a fun weekend, Timi... Our snow has melted, finally (yepee!), I too get really nervous driving in the snow... Good luck on the bathroom!
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