House of B's Randomness
It's been pretty quite around here at The House of B's
Which has been actually kind of nice after the last couple months. I have been slacking on the blogging because of my Bejeweled addiction on Facebook (see February 6th) and the lack of excitement around here. Here are a few exciting and non-exciting things that have
happened around here.
I got a blog award!
That's pretty damn exciting! Lisa at Coastal Nest honored me with this fantastic award last week (it's the addiction man, I'm behind!) and I need to thank her for it. Shame on me for not acknowledging this sooner.
Sorry Lisa

So what does this award mean?
“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”!
Ahhhhhhhh isn't that nice?
It's true I have made some fabulous friends over the last 11 months of blogging and look forward to meeting so many more.
I wasn't sure what one of the words in that description meant so I had to look it up before I could accept this award. It would be just my luck that it would be something that made me look like a complete ass if I didn't.
ag·gran·dize Pronunciation: \ə-ˈgran-ˌdīz also ˈa-grən-\
1 : to make great or greater : increase , enlarge 2 : to make appear great or greater : praise highly 3 : to enhance the power, wealth, position, or reputation of
— ag·gran·dize·ment \ə-ˈgran-dəz-mənt, -ˌdīz- also ˌa-grən-ˈdīz-\ noun
— ag·gran·diz·er \ə-ˈgran-ˌdī-zər also ˈa-grən-\ noun That word makes me a little nervous.
What the hell?
I'm going with it!
Thank you again Lisa! I'm very honored.
Now for my bloggin buddies I would like to pass this on to
A Thing For Roses
Maison Douce
Auntie Joy
La Te Da
Tres Birds
Hearts of Hartman
Royal Touch
A Dozen Eggs
Dot Dot Dot
Thank you ladies!
Donna and I took a beginning sewing class this last weekend. It was held at the Needle & I in Everett. I can't say enough nice things about the ladies of the Needle & I. We loved every part of the class experience here. Preparing us for class, making sure we had everything we needed, and the class instructor was
We will for sure be taking more classes from these ladies.
Me doing a little sewing. Here is a little recap of how my class went;
Shit, I don't have enough fabric
Shit, was that suppose to go like that
Shit, I sewed the wrong sides together
Shit, I need a seam ripper
Shit, this doesn't look right
Here's Donna cutting out her cuffs on her fancy pajama pants she was making.Here is a recap on how the class went for Donna;
Oh shoot! I wasn't suppose to cut that
Oh shoot! The birds aren't going to go the right way
Oh shoot! I think I sewed this wrong
Oh shoot! That is going to look weird. Oh, well I guess the cat won't care.
All and all we had a great time. We could have sat there and sewed longer. It was fun to chat with the other ladies, and just get to sit and visit for a few hours. Not to mention..............We are learning to sew!
Class II is this next Saturday.
I bought a ham this last week and it was very good. We ate on it all week.
I had a little bit left and The Hubs wanted navy beans and ham for dinner.
I think my mom makes the best navy beans and ham ever so I called for the recipe.
I was told there is no recipe, only how she puts it together.
It was so dang good I thought I would share it with you.

Cook your navy beans as directed on package or........use precooked canned.

Martha Stewart cast iron pot is the best thing I ever bought! I love it and use it more than I thought I would. Also this aqua color makes all food look fantastic.

After your beans have cooked
(don't drain them, this is why you have to wash them good and clean out the rocks before you start) chop an onion and throw in.
Chop some carrots
Chop some celery and throw that in too
Every thing goes in!
While the veggies are cooking a little, I chopped up my ham.
My mother told me using ham that has a bone and simmering the bone and remaining meat with the veggies is waaaay moooore better. But I didn't have that so this is what I used.
Everyone in the pool to simmer some more. Add a little salt and pepper
The key is to not over cook your beans. When you cook them first, cook them so they are almost done. You should be able to eat it but it should taste and feel like it needs to cook longer.
As the beans cook they will thicken the soup. I let it simmer about 2 hours. Stirring often.
Then for the secret ingredient......
About 2 or 3 Tablespoons of Heinz Ketchup. Let is simmer a little longer, add more salt and pepper to taste.

It was fantastic!
That's all I have for you today. I'll have to work on getting a little excitement going on around here.
Have a wonderful day!
Awww ... thanks for the blog award!! You are so sweet, and I must say that I get all giddy when I see your blog updates - you make me laugh every time!! Thanks so much!! xoxo
Every picture makes me look like I have a bad eye - what's up with that??
Hey Timi, the soup looks delicious! Congrats on your first sewing class and your blog award!
Hugs, thanks for the blog award, I will post on that today.
Your Derby party sounds like a fun idea, you need southern drinks for sure!
It clearly is an addiction you must overcome, this is about how many posts all rolled into one??
is there a bejeweled addiction club, kinda like the shick shadel? that dude totally freaks me out.
from the beach where its 63 degrees!!!
almost time for a visit!
LOL about the sewing class. May I share a little secret about sewing? I never gets any better. At least not in my experience and I started sewing in, uh... 19mumbledymumph. A long time ago. However, I do have a friend who can whip out an outfit in an afternoon. And I *have* seen her rip things out.
(Ketchup is a secret ingredient of mine in a few things, too.)
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