Some of The Best Rehab Ever!
When your a junker, shopper, social butterfly, Fakebusy Queen like myself, there is nothing better than a day of shopping, junking and having lunch with some friends to make this girls heart sing!
I have been pretty much cooped up in the house for the last month. If I get to go anywhere it's with The Hubs. Don't get me wrong, he's been great. He's just not down with taking me to antique stores and thrift stores.
Oooooooh he will take me, but the bitching sometimes is unbearable. Also there is some switch in his ass that kicks on as soon as he gets in the truck to take me some where. As soon as he's in, buckled up, truck started, he turns to me and says "where are we going to eat?" I don't care if he just ate! This puts a damper on my shopping time!
This annoying habit has made me implement the "I'm dockin you time" rule. For every minute that I have to wait for him to bullshit with someone, or have something to eat, while we are specifically junking or antiquing I get time added to my actual shopping time with
It's good rule. I highly recommended it.
Back to my rehab story.................
So when Lisa e-mailed me a couple weeks ago and said "hey, do you think you would be up to meeting in Centralia for some antique shopping?" I was like............HELL YEAH!
I told The Hubs of my plan and he said "Uhhhhhhhhhmmmm NO!" "you're still in a sling and don't need to be driving that far one armed" "Besides that.......we are in a damn recession!"
Totally bummed.......................
I could have gotten The Hubs to drive me but I needed some girl time.
Oh wait..................Plan B
I called Donna told her my dilemma and hinted around that maybe she would like to drive me. That Donna she is so smart! She had an even better idea!
So we bought Amtrak tickets.
The Cascade Train from Seattle King Street Station to downtown Centralia. Where we would meet Lisa and Isabel for a day of antiquing, visiting and lunch.
I'm still in an arm sling so my picture taking skills are even worse than usual.

A lot of my pictures look like this. Taken from waist level. This is Donna's armpit and handbag.
At 7:oo am we were at the Seattle King Street Station to get on board the Amtrak Cascades Train. It runs along the beautiful Puget Sound.

Had a little breakfast and visited.
Amtrak only serves Pepsi products. YUCK!
You all know I'm a huge Diet Coke snob. I will drink nothing else.
I was soooooooooooooo grateful to Donna when she whipped out 2 Diet Cokes out of her handbag.
Then my good friend Donna...................................
I haven't been out of the house in weeks!
I wanted to talk!
Donna apparently is leading some glamours, major eventful single girl life that is preventing her from staying awake while I'm talking to her.
I met a new friend on the train named Bob. He works on the train. He had to stay awake!
When you take the train in to Centralia it dumps you off right in the old downtown area which is filled with antique stores. Everything is within walking distance. We were sad to see that a lot of the antique stores were closed down but there are still some fun ones open to poke around in.
Great stuff but a little high on prices in my opinion

Centralia Perks is a very cute little shop. However it's main focus isn't antiques and junk. It's coffee so be prepared to dig and ask for prices.

We poked around some more stores, hit a thrift store and decided that it was time for lunch.
Centralia has a Star Center Antique Mall like we do here in Snohomish. The Star Center Mall in Snohomish has the Collectors Cafe which is FABULOUS! The Hubs and I could probably be considered regulars there. We decided to try The Berry Field Cafe at the Star Center Mall.
It was FREAKIN FABULOUS!!! I highly recommend it.

I kind of snuck up on her with the picture. That's why she looks a little scared.
After being super full we headed out to some more antique stores
I know, I know, I know, it's the back of them. I posted the picture because they still look great from the back side!

Our last stop was a salvage yard that isn't new to Centralia it had just moved to a bigger space. It was called Northwest Tub Company. They had some great pieces at reasonable prices.

Here are some of the little finds I got on our trip
Another little Wired Haired Fox Terrier figurine. I love these!
Love the black top and the black edging.

I also found this amateur oil painting of some pink Hydrangea.
Love it!

Our last stop was a salvage yard that isn't new to Centralia it had just moved to a bigger space. It was called Northwest Tub Company. They had some great pieces at reasonable prices.

Donna and I decided that Diet Coke for the trip home was a must.
Here is what we decided were the perfect items to make sure you had before boarding the train after a long day of antiquing
Red Vines
An Old Stuff Newspaper to plot our next road trip. By the way there is a nice article in this issue featuring Barn House. If you haven't seen it go pick one up.

Here are some of the little finds I got on our trip

I got him home and he is EXACTLY like the one my friend Suzy just brought me when she came to visit last week. Oh he has a friend!
This great crochet table runner in black and white.

I bought it thinking I would put it over my sofa table. Which I did. It looks OK, but I'm thinking it's not my most favorite. In the mean time, I'll leave it there until something else way MORE better comes to me.
You all know how it is?

I also found this amateur oil painting of some pink Hydrangea.

I think it's going to look fabulous in my new bathroom with my other pink floral amateur oil painting.

All in all it was a fantastic day!
Some much needed girl rehab.
This is really a fun girls trip if you like poking around in antique stores. There isn't any antique store there that made me say "OH MY GOD THAT WILL BE ON MY REGULAR STOPS" but it was fun. I thought all the antique stores were a little high priced but you have to poke around. You never know what your going to find.
I met these ladies last year at the Farm Chicks show and have kept in touch through blogging, e-mails and sale events. It was nice to just have a laid back shopping day to visit with them. I really enjoy these ladies and look forward to spending sometime with them again. Next time we are going to get them up here on the train to shop Snohomish. I think they will love it!
****Shoulder update****
I only have a little over 2 weeks in a sling left. Then some weeks of rehab.
I'm getting around a lot better and my arm is starting to move more normal day after day. When I say more normal I mean, being able to move it in the slightest way without it taking my breath away and making me pee my pants all at the same time.
I'm almost back to normal so my blogs will be more updated.
Happy to be back!
It was a fun day!!! I've never been called Isbel, you are so cute!! Actually, not so cute considering the "back" pictures...!! Hope to see you again soon!!
Timi, sounds like the perfect girls day out to me!! Just a bit far away from indiana though, darn it. I am so glad to hear you are healing well, my brother in law had a similiar surgery about the time you did, and he had to go back in for surgery last week because he developed a staff infection, yuck!
I'm sorry Isabel that was not intentional. I'm fixing it right now!
Sounds like a fun day, wow the train, great idea and more fun than the crazy traffic I bet.
Glad to hear how you are doing and that you didn't let a broken wing keep you down for long!!
I ran away from home on Saturday but just by myself, still was fun to get out of the house ( see my posts from Sat.).
Fun post!! So good to have you back..and what a great way to spend a day!!
Hi Timi,
Well at least you didn't call her Jezabel... hehehe Sounds like you guys had a great time, could we have more details about Bob...Would love to have a shopping/diet coke drinking day with you sometime soon, but please, promise no "back pictures".
Glad you are feeling better!
Glad you are on the mend :0)
Hey Timi,
Loved this post. Pictures of me, not so much. ha ha It really was a great day. Wish we lived closer so we could do it (junking) more often. I'm thinking June after FC would be a good time to take the train up there. Pick a weekend and we'll make it happen.
lol. Love this post. Glad u got out with the Girls. Looked like fun. Mishelle
Hey Girl, Christa and I will be in Snohomish on May 16th for the 150th Anniversary Antique thingy. You should come by and say "Hi"
Julie, Kindred Spirit Soap/Kindred Roses
Hi! Your blog is a kick! Love your little terrier, my sister has an airedale terrier. If you are headed back to the Farm Chicks this year and would like to make a badge representing your blog a group of us bloggers are doing just that and will wear them at the show. See my post from April 1st for the details!! Hope to meeet you at the show!
Glad to hear you are feeling better CHICA! We need to get together and do something still!
Thanks so much for sharing the story of the best rehab ever ... and the not-new-but-moved store. Will be heading up to Seattle in about two weeks, and maybe can convince the car-partners to stop! Will be in Montana in May, so no Snohomish :( We used to live in Edmonds, so have suffered Snohomish withdrawal for 10 years!
Hugs! Betty :)
ps - we met at Joy's blog party ...
Aw Timi, sorry you had to go thru all that. I myself have had to do all that from one surgery or another and it is not fun. Glad your Man took great care of you. He can stay. Maybe even borrow the thrown once in a while. Just not while your still needing it. LOL.
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