Keepin The Farm Chicks High
After that fabulous Farm Chicks weekend last week, I came home higher than a kite on The Farm Chicks atmosphere. My head was spinning with ideas, things I wish I would have bought, trying to remember names and faces of all the bloggers /non bloggers I met and thinking about next years trip.
It's a Farm Chicks high that lasted for weeks and weeks last year.
My high was only to be snuffed out immediately on Monday morning by my Mother and physical therapist.
I had promised to help my Mom with her garage sale this last weekend. My physical therapist just roughed me up so I would be sore all week. I sometime thinks she does that so that it will be a reminder to me that I need to be doing my stretches and exercises on my shoulder on a regular basis.
Anyway.............back to my story of getting high
45 years of accumulation (my mom saves everything) is what my Mom had that needed to be organized, priced, and ready for 3 days of selling.
WSU Laura for helping me price and organize one day.
That's a good friend folks.
Most of my week last week was helping my parents, catching up with house chores that I was soooooooo behind on, physical therapy, getting the Mobile Estate ready for a garage sale weekend stay at the parents, and making sure The Hubs was ready for his impromptu trip to Florida.
If that doesn't kill a good Farm Chicks high I don't know what will.
On Sunday I was looking to get a fix. I was lookin to get high again.
I called WSU Laura said "ya wana get our high back?"
She was in!
It had been a high killing week for her too.
How did we get our high back you ask?
and a little junk shoppin
Linda, Funky Junk Mama, and Dixie
Have you heard of them? Have you met them? Have you visited their blog?
You need to!
I loved meeting these ladies. We had the best visit with them and will be following them and their Royal Junkness.
This was a great freshman show! They had fantastic vendors, displays were beautiful, and it was set up well.
I hope that they decide to do this again. Because I see a sophomore show from these ladies being even better.
We got to do a little shoppin, a little buyin, meet bloggers we didn't get to meet at Farm Chicks and met some that didn't get the opportunity to go to Farm Chicks.
and........ an added bonus............
We finally got to meet Laurie Ann of Tinkers Piggies whom WSU Laura and I have been blogging with, chatting with and trying to meet for over a year.
Today was the day!
It was so much fun to meet her and her mother. After reading her blog for so long it was like we had known each other for ages.
Thank you Laurie for coming out to the Funky Junk Sisters sale.
I also got to meet Tiffany from Shabby Scraps. She was one of the very first blogs I followed when I first started blogging.
She was at Farm Chicks.
I didn't get to chat with her there but I had the nicest visit with her at Funky Junk Sisters.
They are super nice and if you see them at another show or even out and about.......say hi. They are smart, interesting, have wonderful items and are super fun to chat with.
She's from Poppyseeds in Stanwood.
This is a super cute store that Michele introduced me to last year when in her hood (hometown) of Stanwood.
They have some fantastic stuff in that little store.
This is an example of the unflattering pictures I use sometimes as mentioned by Debi Burton in her blog this week. What Debi forgets is that I take crap pictures! They are all usually unflattering.
I decided to post this picture of this woman because her and her friend were having so much fun at this show. They were shopping up a storm, laughing, and visiting with everyone. She clearly had her eye on something and was headed towards it. She didn't care who was in her way. It made Debi and I laugh.
We have all been there!
Lady in the picture.........if your reading.........I hope you are still on your Funky Junk Sister High.
We met in blog land and through Annie.
Again........she was so busy at Farm Chicks that we didn't get to chat much when we finally met in person. We finally got to chat a while on Sunday and it was so much fun. Not only does she have some very cool stuff.......... she's fun too.
These are some of the pictures I took on Sunday at the show.
These are some of the pictures I took on Sunday at the show.
I was trying to be all Tres Birds like with my photo skills.
Those crazy girls from Oregon.
I'm also going to include Joy's sister Teri in with these crazy ladies even though she's not from Oregon.
She was with us also but I don't know where she was.
She's just like Joy......only different.
I have grown to really adore and admire these ladies. Spending time with them is like having your batteries recharged. You can't help but be in a great mood and inspired for days on end after spending a day with them.
Let me tell you about a little secret that WSU Laura and I found out about after we left The Funky Junk Sisters Sale.
Something that maybe all of you knew about already.
Laura and I didn't.
Sumner Washington has some GREAT stores!
Who knew?
A few months ago I met Debi Brock (who is a really lovely woman) from Garden Party while I was at Annie's. Debi was telling me about The Funky Junk Sisters, and about Today's Country Store. About Amy being published in Flea Market Style and that I should check them out one day.
It sounded like I really should............
Well this 411 should have been a 911!
I was totally missing out by not following up and knowing this information.
This is Jeanine at Today's Country Store
She provided Laura and I with exceptional customer service!
We will so be making a trip back to Sumner!
A lot of the stores were closed on Sunday (stupid! Didn't they know it was The Funky Junk Sister Show?) but we hit everyone of them that was open.
The New England Salt Box
Simple Tidings
Picket Fence
Folk Art Gatherings
Whistle Stop Antiques
You should plan a trip there. This is a great place to wonder, poke around and buy. They also have this very fun charm bracelet program that some of the stores are participating in. It's a fabulous idea and I'm going to have to steal it some how.
I bet you don't leave empty handed from this little town. I know Laura and I didn't!
Mark your calendars and dust off those blog badges you made.
August 8th there is going to be a blog party in downtown Snohomish.
More details to follow.
WOWZA..You are the whole meal deal, Timi..I could never keep up with you and your gang of junkers..(in the pocketbook, anyway)
I love this post, I am going to go to each and every link, just asap..
Thanks for the great play by play..
coastal nest
(who never uses her flash when taking her excellent photos..)
--thanks for the shout out, I think
So fun to see you this weekend at the show!!! Wish you could have stayed and hung out all day!!
xoxo, Tiffany
So glad to see you at the sho wthis weekend ! Wish you could have stayed and hung out all day!!
xoxo, Tiffany
What a fun show!! What a fun post!! I'm soo hitting that show next year..looks like a blast!!
AND Thanks for the shout out!!:)
Look's like your fix was just the fix you needed to get that high back! I'm still on the high, not planning on comin' down anytime soon! WSU Laura is a real pal!
you all had so much fun!!
that's what it's all about!!!!!
Hello , its me Stephanie (Hearts of Hartmann)!
This is my new blog, I had to shut my other down, too many coworkers were looking at it and they are so immature! So, here I am with a new name and Im not telling anyone at work!
I have loved looking at your FC pics, we didnt go this year and next year my daughter is getting married around that time.... I sure hope to go however!
Im going to check out all those blogs you mentioned, I have a couple months off and nothing but time!
Come visit my new blog, its nothing exciting, yet!!
Wow Gal, you know how to have fun! I am still recovering from my lack of sleep during FarmChicks! It WORE me out, heehe! The blog party in Snohomish sounds like fun. Glad you got to have more junkin' time with fun folks!
Oh Timi, you are just the Queen of Fun I tell you! And you have been having alot of it lately. Good for you but be good girl and do your therapy too.
And thanks for the Party in Aug. on my day. I am working it into my big 50th plans, lol! Be gentle, ha.
Timi, you are just the party-ingest party girl around!!! I don't think any of us could keep up with you - and I know that Laura tries!
Thanks so much for the sweet comment about us - we really enjoyed having a chance to visit with you girls at the Funky Junk show. That's the best part of all of this...
I totally agree with Linda. You are the "queen of fun." What a great title, much better than the ones you call yourself. It was so much fun "almost" hanging with you on Sunday. How is it that we got there before you did when we had so much farther to drive? Boy are you ever organized, getting everyone's name, name of the stores in Sumner, etc. I'm so impressed. I barely got any pictures. Need to do my post. I'm tired, rambling, so sorry! Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
P.S. Thanks for the junk!
hey Timi!
We did have fun, and no one told me to use my inside voice all day!! I'm looking forward to the blog party on the 8th! I will for sure have a badge put together by then!
Thanks for all the links I know it is a pain, but I will visit them all on your recomendation!
So would you be terribly offended if I just put "ditto" on my blog with a link to yours??? Just saying.
You are such a kick! Glad you had such a good time at the show, we hope you will do it next time! All the vendors are trying to get us to do a fall show, what do ya think?
And now I know where to follow you ;0) I remember seeing you and your friends at the show and it looked like you all were having a fabulous time! Did we officially meet? If not hope to see you at another show and 'officially' meet you then :0) Blessings, Katy PS So fun to see the pic of Tinkers Piggies with the windows she bought from me! Such a small world!
Had this show on my calendar, but local barn sale made me think again (luckily the barn sale was good). Glad you posted pictures as I was curious about what the show was like. I love that umbrella with all the different fabrics - good picture of it!
Looks like I missed some fun!
Timi, you got some really GREAT photos of FJS . . . your blogging skills are inspiring! Was so glad to finally get a chance to chat a bit, you fun girl!!
Portland Expo and Barn House, here we come!!!
Hey Timi- it was really great to meet you and Laura and Donna at the show. Tammy and I had a blast- too bad we couldn't hang out for a few weeks and hit all of the other good sales with you. You've got tot take pictures of your mom's sale!! I posted about meeting you on my blog- go see!! If you come east, give me a shout!
Excellent cropping girl!
Say, I just read your wonderful writeup for Paula Deen . . . enjoyed it thoroughly!!! My beloved Grandma/Grandpa were Okies from Muskogee, my Mama (and her sisters) from Arkansas . . . they headed west and made it as far as Walla Walla (where I was raised). Your family history is quite similar to mine. Much of my family now resides in heaven (I think), and your story brought tears to my eyes!!! You should post it on your blog :0)
xoxo Debi
That was such a fun day..!! I wish we had spent more time together, but we were too busy shopping!!! You took some great pictures!! Blog party, here we come!!!
I'm so jealous!!
We've got gobs of stuffy antique shops here in VT, but nothing looks like the pictures of the shops in your neck of the woods.
Wah, I want to come across the country and go to all these fantastic shows.
Glad you're having fun Timi!1
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