Farm Chicks 2009
This is the only word I could come up with that described this years road trip to Spokane for The Farm Chicks Show.
I don't know how they did it, but those ladies put on an even better show than last year. In fact The Farm Chicks should think about changing the event name to
The Farm Chicks Antique and Amazing Talented People Show.
The Farm Chicks Antique and Amazing Talented People Show.
I talked with Twiggy 59 Accessories when I first got in to the show and she put in to words exactly what the feeling was in the air at this show.
"This is the most amazing show, every woman in this building gets it!
We might not all have the same tastes but we all have a common thread and we all get it. It makes me almost cry if I think about it too long."
If you have never been to a Farm Chicks Show you need to plan on attending one. Gather up your best junkin buddies, shit shoppin girl friends, or who ever and make the pilgrimage. Even if it's just one time, do it! You will not be sorry at all.
Because it was so much fun and such an amazing experience this year I'm just going to give you the high lights. I'm not going to try and describe every detail of every moment I was in Spokane. I would never be able to. You just can't fully explain how fantastic this show is.
This is something we are all going to be talking about for the next 12 months.
Not to mention.........I'm helping my mother get ready for her 45 years of accumulation garage sale this weekend.
It's going to be a lot of work!
We arrived on Thursday evening. Had a nice dinner, then walked down by the falls. If you haven't done this you should. It's beautiful. Not to mention a good way to walk off dinner.
Michele is my nurse friend whom I have been friends with since I was in the 4th grade. Donna and I met while working together 6 or 7 years ago and have stayed close friends ever since.
They were my posse last year too.
Donna is addicted to her G-Crack. I'm addicted to my Crackberry too but Donna is the only one who got caught on camera.
Friday Morning we got up early and headed out to Coeur d' Alene Idaho to check out Mary Jane Butters Farm store that has opened.
Donna and I have just recently become Mary Jane Butter fans so we really wanted to go check it out since we were so close while in Spokane.
Half hour in the truck........................
Here we are! It's so exciting!
We wondered, we touched, we took pictures, we purchased and we decided that one day we have to make it a point to attend one of her shows.
This cute Tear Drop Trailer was set up outside Mary Jane Butters store.
It's the Mary Jane Butters trailer that you can purchase.
It's very cute!
Then we ventured out of the Plaza and down the street where we came across
These are some fantastic oils. I purchased a couple and can't wait to use them. I got Blood Orange Olive Oil and Lime Olive Oil.
I'll let you know what I use them in. They were good just on bread!
She not only provided us with excellent customer service but she was just a fun amazing woman. Stop in and see her when your in
Coeur d' Alene.
After a full day of shopping we decided to hit one of WSU Laura's favorite old college drinking spots. She was itchin for a Derailer.
The Iron Horse is where you can get the famous Derailer.
I don't think WSU Laura remembered this little cocktail was served in a BUCKET!
With a little help from friends................
It got polished off.
No need to e-mail me and let me know I need a new bra. I see it! I'm on it!
Probably taking care of it as you are reading this.
After we left Coeur d' Alene we headed back to Spokane where I wanted to try and find the Riverside State Park. I had heard that The Sisters On The Fly were going have some of their famous trailer caravan there and I had to see it.
I have been an admirer of these ladies ever since I saw them featured on HGTV
about 6 years ago. I have been following their media ever since. I just recently read an article about them in Mary Jane's Farm Magazine.
I had to go!
My pictures aren't that great and it was a little awkward making Donna and Michele hang out the windows and take pictures while I was driving as slow and inconspicuous as possible through the public camp ground.
We were driving by Miss Cammell Lot trailer and she yelled at me to "park that truck, get out and come talk with them." I couldn't get that truck parked fast enough! It was fun to meet some of the ladies and chat with them about their group. I was all set to sign up!
Donna, Michele and I were discussing what our trailer themes would be and were we would start shopping for old trailers on the way back to the hotel.
***Side note** The Hubs is totally NOT on board with me getting an old trailer and him fixing it up so I can take off every weekend without him. I won't be doing this any time soon. Still just admiring from afar.
Saturday....................THE DAY!!!!
It's finally here!
WSU Laura and I are READY!
We have our aprons, we have our shopping carts and most of all we have our blog badges.
For those of you just tuning in........there was an organized blogger meeting while at the Farm Chicks. Kim at Camp Whimsy was the intital organizer of this event.
A again.........WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA!
The line waiting to get in to the show on Saturday morning. This year wasn't so bad. No rain, more ticket sales booths, no vendor outside the entry door and it was just a lot nicer. Not to mention this year you could stand and visit with people in line.
We had the nicest group of ladies from Spokane and Salem Oregon. They were there celebrating one of the ladies birthday. They had come out to stay with another friend who owned a Bed and Breakfast. Now that's a friendship a girl needs!
These ladies were so much fun. We had a great time with them in line.
In front of us was another group of ladies that were from Edmonds. This was their first time to Farm Chicks and they were so excited they could hardly stand it. You could see waiting in line was killing them.
Hope they enjoyed it as much as we did.
I was so bummed that I didn't get to chat with Laurie more.
I remembered her from last year because I had admired her cute shopping cart every time she walked by. Then this year.........I got to meet her but didn't get to chat much because I was acting like an idiot with excitement because she was the woman with the cute cart from last year.
Donna, Michele, WSU Laura, Laura's mom Susan.
It was another fabulous weekend.
Lisa and I also met last year when I bought my shopping cart from her. We have developed a friendship from there.
Lisa and Isabel had a rocky start getting to the show and I was so happy to see them at the show.
Isabell told us some "spicy" jokes at dinner and we were still laughing about it on the way home Sunday.
Thanks Isabell!
This was just as exciting as when I met Paula Deen.
That's another story for another day.
Kal I really did meet her.
After the show on Saturday we went to Chaps for dinner.
I can't say enough wonderful things about this resturant.
Food was fantastic
Atomosphere fantastic
Service fantastic
This is definatley a must drive out of your way to spot while in Spokane.
Wish I had pictures but I was too busy stuffing my face and laughing with
The Farm Chicks Show is something I look forward to all year long.
It's an amazing show.
Here are some other bloggers that I met but didn't get pictures with.
Go check out everyone's blog to see pictures and their stories from the show.
Jacquie Richel
Twiggy 59 Accessories
(I couldn't find a website or blog for her. I wish she did her accessories are fantastic)
I know there were other ladies I met and didn't mention. I'm so sorry if I missed mentioning you. I enjoyed meeting everyone and I'm still on a Farm Chicks High.
I could probably write more about this trip each week until next year.
Ok, my mother is calling me. I gotta go!
Sounds like you guys had a blast. Did you actally get anything or did you just spend your time jibber jabbin? ;0)
What great memories, Timi!!!!! Loved spending time with you gals!!!
So glad to see you Gal's had as much fun as we did. Your pictures are great!! So many kindred spirits all in one place, all in one shopping-visiting mojo groove was just amazing!!
Fabulous post Timi! I agree-one word-AWESOME! Holy smokes that's a big bucket of cocktail! I'm hangin' out with you more next year!
ORMOLULU a.k.a Debi enjoyed meeting you at the Farm Chicks!!
OMG! I almost wet myself when you mentioned needing a bra. Too funny! So fun talking to you today Looks like we will be heading north on Sunday for sure. We plan on being there at 10am so look for us, okay. I loved the sorority pose of us and had to laugh at the group photo where my face is behind Kim from Camp Whimsy. I remember standing on my toes to get in the shot too, darn!
Love ya BFF!
You are so right! You don't get it until your there. We can't explain how fabulous this show is. It was awesome to see so many bloggers! What a great time.
Glad you had a bucketful of blats!!! Had to...
I'm glad Miss Cammell told you to get out. Be bold & take your photos no matter what. I have tons of images that other people might consider nuts when I do it, but the piles of photos outweigh anything else.
Glad you all had so much fun, what did you bring home?
But not glad that I was not there too!! Whaaa
Maybe next year!
Oh, you bring back such memories with a Derailer!! LOL
I lived in Spokane for 10 years or more, so Idaho state line was one of our party places.
Too funny Timi! Why didn't you mention your special kosher vegetarian diet??? hehehe.. Looking forward to seeing you Sunday. I'm so bummed I did see MJ's store and the Sister's on the Fly... Don't suppose Dumbo would qualify?? Especially if I had to drag Dave the Driver and Sam his sidekick along??
Maybe someday...
She really did meet Paula Deen - I was there!
I am sooooo going next year. do they have a date yet for 2010?
So glad to see you again AND to finally meet WSU Laura (she is kind of famous now, ya know) and the rest of your crew. This show was really spectactular...and it mostly is because of the energy that you, your friends and folks like y'all bring from all over the country! We had the BEST time!! My only regret is not hearing those stories you and the other ladies were telling at the party! ;o)
Oh how fun Timi!
I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. I enjoyed the photos. :)
you r so funny. i enjoyed the pictures. i just walked into Annnies today and she told us we should of went to this... Next year i am going. mishelle
Timi, you are the most halirious person that we met at Farm Chicks!!! I met you at my friend, Jodees booth, DUCHESS!!! I am the one from Colorado who said I would blog stalk you, and now I am!!! I so enjoyed meeting you and your wonderful friends...see you next year!!!
OMG Timi! Thank you for putting Duchess on your blog! You are simply the most fun woman in the world! Can't wait till next year already...
Kat and JoDee
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