WOW! What a great turn out for my Farm Chicks give away. Thanks to all of you who participated. I really appreciate it!
So let's get to the business at hand.
We had some problems on Sunday morning at the hotel room so I didn't get a chance to have Donna and Michele draw the winner as promised.
The problem you ask????
We couldn't get out of our hotel room fast enough to get back to Day-2 of The Farm Chicks Show!
So your Master of Ceremonies for drawing names is none other than the famous Hubs.

Terri Adams
Terri is a reader not a blogger. Apparently her sister-in law sent her over to check out my blog and she has become a regular reader.
Thank you Terri's sister-n-law!
Me with The Farm Chicks Teri and Serena getting my cookbook signed. Yeah! In person. We talked and everything! It was as exciting as when I met Paula Deen.
The blog badge group picture
Thank you Kim at Camp Whimsy. This was so much fun.
Stay tuned for more Farm Chicks pictures and a recap.
I'm working on it.
SHUT UP!!!! When did you meet Paula Deen? I wanna be you.
Lord....hurry UP already..your such a little tease..
Oh looks like you had a blast girly!! Can't wait to see more pics:)
Timi-you are the funniest blogger I know. (The whole "who writes this crap" tipped me off to that fact), so the show was great and I LOVED meeting you and Laura, and I can't wait to start makin' me some casserole. 'Cause you know Jesus loves casserole!!! Rock on sistah!
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