Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day!

The Hubs got a little package in the mail
021  The outside was all decorate lovely and patriotic

016 If that doesn't say Thank You I don’t know what does

Thak you uncle Jay for saveing our country
We both got a little teary eyed
Especially The Hubs

Thank a Veteran today!
Thank and Enlisted Person today!
Thank their families, they give up an awful lot also
Moms lay awake at night
Dads worry in their own ways
Wives wait for phone calls to know everything is alright
Husbands wait for phone calls to know everything is alright
Kids wait for Mom or Dad to have leave
They need a big Thank You too

These are some of my favorite pictures from when The Hubs was serving
Jay's Retirement July1, 2005 027 The Hubs and Princess Spoiled Brat
Jay's Retirement July1, 2005 029
Princess Spoiled Brat, The Hubs, and Captain Rob
Jay's Retirement July1, 2005 020 Your Veterans Day artist….then
How stinkin cute is she eating cake on the floor of US Navy Hanger? 
Yeah that’s how clean it is!
DSC00033 Your Veterans Day artist………now
Princess Spoiled Brat and her new kitty Blackberry

3 Favorite Veterns Our 3 favorite Veterans here at The House of B's
Left... Captain Rob US Army currently serving. Leaving for Iraq
Middle... Chief Jay "The Hubs" 21 years US Navy. Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom
Right.... Chief Bob US Navy WWII and Korea.
Thank you guys!
Family Reunion 2009 4 Even Charlie wants to thank all the Veterans

Thank you to all those men and women who have saved our country and are currently saving our country.
We salute you!


Sister Patty said...

Nice... if I haven't already been blubbering every time I've heard "God Bless America" or "Star Spangled Banner" or any other wonderful American song this morning on my way to Seattle, now you've gone and done it again!

Thank you!

WSU Laura said...

WAHHHHHHH! As I am wiping my tears I start laughing out loud at Charlie all dolled up. What a wonderful tribute to the men and women and their families.

Beth E-R said...

Since our oldest son joined the Navy to become a pilot, I tear up everytime I hear the Star Bangled Banner. Loved your post!

Beth of Salvage Studio

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm about two weeks late on this post, but happy Vet's Day and thanks to Jay.
Now about that cat Blackberry...what a sweet name.