Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Poof!  It’s Gone!

Where ya been Timi?  Whatcha been doin?  Why can’t you keep your blog updated? Why can’t you keep up with reading blogs?

Poor time management is the only thing I can come up with.
I can’t believe how fast the month of December went by.  It’s like Thanksgiving came and then POOF it was all over in a flash.
Now here we are into January 2010

Today I thought I would write a whole months worth of blogs in one blog post.
 I know you're sayin.............Please dear God No!

Well, it's not going to be my usual long winded blog that I normally write (when I actually write), just some of the highlights to the month of December.

So this is how my poor time management started out.......

Flirty Apron Swap  had a fantastic Christmas song apron swap the first part of December.

I signed up for it!
Knowing full well that I can barley sew but I thought I could do it!

If you haven't been over to Flirty Apron GO RIGHT THIS SECOND! 

No wait!

Go after you finish my blog.

This was so much fun! 
You picked your favorite Christmas song and your swap partner had to  design an apron around it.
My swap partner Jennifer from Diamonds, fur and laundry chose Santa Baby as her song which was my song choice as well.

So this made it super easy for me. Almost too easy.
December 2009 023
Mrs.Gotsthiershittogether helped me with this. I can sew, but I’m not great so she helped me.  THANK GOD she’s got her shit together!

How stinkin cute did this turn out? I loved it so much we made one for me too.

December 2009 019 This is the back.  I love love love it! 
Red velvet with leopard print and sable trim.

Below is some of the other things I put in the gift box.  We were supposed to put in $15 worth of other fun gifts but I got carried away.  My swap partner and I have similar taste so it was EASY. I finally had to JUST STOP or it was going to be embarassing.

December 2009 026 I loved how this little white tee with the rhinestone crown turned out. 
Yeah! I made it!  All by my self!
December 2009 029 Then a few days later…………………….
December 2009 030
I received my box from Valerie at Yarni Gras with all these fun gifts in it.  I really do love swaps! I’m not so good at it because I’m too unorganized , time managment sucks and I'm not so crafty but I do love them!  There is nothing better than getting a fun box of stuff in the mail.
December 2009 032 Thank you Valerie for the fun apron and gifts.  It certainly was a fun way to kick off Christmas.

December 2009 038 Then The Nuckinfuts get themselves in party hosting mode ………………….

It was time for our 3rd Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater and White Elephant Gift Exchange Party.

Here are some pictures from that event.
No particular orderDecember 2009 042 December 2009 043 December 2009 045 The house is decorated and ready to receive guests
sounds so formal and fancy
dosen't it?

December 2009 047
The beverage table.  One of the most important tables in the house.  My big glass decanter looked fantastic with sangria in it.
December 2009 048 Sorry I didn’t get a picture of that. It did really look fabulous.
I found that decanter at Cranberry Cottage in Bothell.  Julie Herbison had it in her space.
Thank you Julie!

If you have never been to Cranberry Cottage in Bothell you really should stop by there one day.

December 2009 050 Faux Aunt Judy, Faux Aunt Reta, and my mother. The kids all call them Grammy now so they are now known as the Grammy’s. They seem to travel in a pack.

The Grammy’s showed up all dressed alike and with their own cooler.  Sangria wasn't on their menu this particular night.  Oh no….these Grammy’s were drinking Goldschlauger and eggnog!
Not your typical Grammy’s!

December 2009 051
Mr. and Mrs Fustercluck enjoying the gift that Mr. Fustercluck received in the white elephant gift exchange.  He was honored with a big can of S & H Green Stamps from 1965, the Green Stamp books to paste them in and a catalog to pick out his free gifts.
What a lucky guy!

December 2009 052 The crowd waiting
December 2009 053
December 2009 054
December 2009 056 December 2009 057 Mr. Gotsthiershittogether was thrilled with his ceramic masks. It was totally him!

December 2009 058 December 2009 060 December 2009 064
This is Ma Kettel. You may have remembered her from a past post about money saving travel tip.

  She received this lovely unicorn decorative plate as her gift. 

Funny story about Ma Kettle and her little unicorn plate……….somehow this plate got washed, and put in the cupboard at her house.  One morning one of her 15 million kids was using it to eat some breakfast and notices on the bottom it said “for decorative use only may contain high amounts of lead” which needless to say didn’t go over so well. The kid thought she was trying to kill him. 
Poor Ma Kettle!

Christmas Party 2009 3 Christmas Party 2009 4 
My Dad with his beautiful shirt he made. It said….I can Bearly wait until Christmas.  This statement on him is funny just by itself.  Never mind the pretty boa pieces he stapled all around the bottom and collar.

Christmas Party 2009 5WSU Laura aka Mrs. Fustercluck was the big winner of the evening for Ugliest Ensamble.  She was sporting a beautiful patch work corduroy dress and ugly cardigan. 
This was so much worse in real life.
December 2009 065
Michele sporting her new handbag she received.  We have the best gifts at our parties!
December 2009 070  Christmas Party 2009 7 December 2009 071 Your hosts for the evening…….
Mr and Mrs. Nuckinfuts

December 2009 077 The 3 Wisemen………..more like Wiseass!
Mr. Fustercluck, Mr. Gotstheirshittogether, and Mr. Nuckinfuts

Christmas Party 2009 11 Mark and Monique
Aren’t they cute? 
Mark came as the Unabomber this year

Christmas Party 2009 10
Charlene showing off her beautiful poodle plates.  I bet I see these beauties hanging on her wall next time I go over to her house.

Christmas Party 2009 9 Donna with her Christmas decorations
Christmas Party 2009 18 jpg
Julie was the recipient of the incredible growing sweater. This was at last years Ugly Christmas Sweater party and it kept growing as Michele wore it throughout the evening.  This year was no different. It was a dress on Julie by the time she left.

Christmas Party 2009 15 Mrs. Gotsthiershittogether and her beautiful patriotic cock.
That’s a rooster for you city folk!

Christmas Party 2009 16jpg This is Al and Cheryl……this was their first time attending our party.  They won the best gift of the evening.  A huge box full of kitchen pan lids.  That’s right…….just the lids.  About 20 of them all different colors, sizes, and shapes.  Oh yeah and there were a couple pot holders in there too. 
Do you think they will be back next year?

Christmas Party 2009 8 Mother Madden and her other half John.  What a great picture.  They were trying to escape without being patted down.  The Hubs and I like to pat people down before they leave, check handbags, pockets, coats….making sure people are taking their fabulous gifts home and not hiding them in our house for me to find days later.

Christmas Party 2009 17 jpg The Hubs
Christmas Party 2009 14 Charlene from Freshly Doug Vegetables and…..
Fresh Doug himself.

Christmas Party 2009 12
Christmas Party 2009 13
Christmas Party 2009
It was a good time and we are already planning for next year.

My long time friend Becky lost her dad right before Thanksgiving.
The family held the memorial services the day after our Christmas party.  Sunday morning I got up early and headed to Bayview to help out in the kitchen.
All of us Bow Girls were there to help out.
Girls Night Out September 2009 019
All of us together this last summer.

Well we showed up, food in hand, and ready to work!
Well as it turns out we aren’t that much help. We did a lot of visiting with guests, and then sat in the kitchen, chatted, ate, laughed, kept Becky from the guests, and laughed some more.
I’m pretty sure the church won’t be calling us to come help anytime soon. We saw some of the older church ladies who usually do these duties giving us the hairy eyeball.

December 2009 093
See this bad picture?  It’s all of us sitting at the table in the kitchen not doing our jobs.  I know it was suppose to be a memorial service but…….we really did have fun and it was nice to visit with people we haven’t seen in a long long time.  It was nice to see Becky laughing on such a sad day for her.
Maybe that’s really what we were there for?

Since we were all set up for a party anyway I decided to host a Cookie/Cupcake /Junk Swap. 
This was a much more laid back party.  I did some apps and cocktails

Christmas 2009 001

Look at all the junk that showed up to be traded
Christmas 2009 002
Christmas 2009 003
There was some good junk to be traded and some good junk that went to the thrift store when it was all over.

Christmas 2009 004 Look at all the beautiful cookies and cupcakes
Christmas 2009 005
Christmas 2009 006
These peppermint beauties were made by Miss Charity. They were delicious. 
The Christmas tree spritz cookies were made by WSU Laura. 
All of the cookies and cupcakes were beautiful however I didn’t get pictures of everything.  I’m going to have to get a photographer that follows me around. I can’t hostess and take pictures at the same time!

Christmas 2009 007 The cookie/cupcake/ junk swap was so much fun that we will be doing another one in January. 

The morning after the swap I headed to Oregon to go pick up my Grandmother for Christmas.  She’s getting to old to ride the train by herself so we usually go down and get her.

Mom stopped by to pick me up and we were dressed the same. 

Christmas 2009 008

It is true……….we all turn in to our parents at some point.

We stayed dressed the same until we stopped at a rest area and some woman laughed at us.  Mom couldn’t take the peer pressure and changed her vest.

Mom and I did a lot of speed shopping while down in No Tax Oregon, picked up Grandma and did a little more speed shopping on the way home.

The morning after I got back from Oregon, The Hubs and I loaded up the mobile estate and headed to my parents house for the Christmas weekend.

Christmas 2009 009 Christmas tree at the parents house

We aren’t a very traditional family. Norma Rockwell won't be showing up anytime soon to paint a picture of us.

On Christmas Eve we load up Grandma, some neighbors, some friends and head to the casino for a little evening entertainment.

Two cars are required for this because people without “the problem” go home at a reasonable hour.  Those of us with “the problem” like to stay and close that bitch down!

Mom and I are usually moving a little slow on Christmas morning.

Christmas 2009 010 Everyone waiting to see what Santa brought them.
Christmas 2009 011
Christmas 2009 012
Princess Spoiled Brat is now the official gift hander-outer.

Christmas 2009 014 Princess Spoiled Brat received tickets to see the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes for her and a friend.

Christmas 2009 017
Christmas 2009 018
Princess Spoiled Brat and Papa playing a very intense game of checkers.

Christmas 2009 020 Christmas morning was so beautiful out. It was sunny and SUPER cold.  The Hubs snapped this picture of a Bald Eagle in the top of the tree at my parents houses.  Can you see him up there?

Saturday morning we got up early to head to Downtown Seattle for the Rockettes Show
Christmas 2009 021
Princess Spoiled Brat and her friend Emma.
Just for the record….Emma is in my top 5 of the CUTEST Little girls I know!  I so wanted to steal her and take her home with me.
The ride from my parents house to downtown Seattle is about an hour or more.
Those little girls sat in the back of the SUV, each with a an IPod ear bud in one ear singing Taylor Swift at the top of their lungs.
Christmas 2009 022 I loved it!
Christmas 2009 025
Then the ladies lunched at Nordstrom

Christmas 2009 027 Grabbin a pose on the way to the theater
Christmas 2009 029
The girls had to take one last stop at the Nordstrom ladies lounge before heading home.  Emma posed for a picture in the big fancy lounge chair.
The obsession with the Ladies Lounge at Nordstrom cracked me up. I guess it is pretty Fancy Nancy if your 7 years old.

When we got home from the Rockettes show we found  The Fusterclucks’ mobile estate in my parent’s driveway hooked up like they were going to spend the night.
Inside the house we found a card game was underway

Christmas 2009 030 Love these big holiday card games.  Sometimes we laugh until we cry, we get to visit, and Grandma cleans us all out of our money.

Christmas 2009 031
Christmas 2009 032
Basically my parents invite all of their friends over so Grandma can restock her Bingo Money, Pinochle money and laundry change.
With this crowd….she should be set until next Christmas.
It was a fun time.  Thank you Mr. and Mrs Fustercluck for coming and hanging out. It was nice!

Then it was New Years Eve………………….
We went to a small intimate party at The Woods’ house.  It was nice to sit and visit, catch up with friends we don’t get to see that often and ring in the new year.

New Years2010 The Hubs showing off! 
What you can’t see on the other side of this picture is everyone trying to touch their nose with their tongue.  What cracks me up more about this is his fancy wine glass, with his fancy wine, doing stupid bar tricks. 

Happy New Year everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hey Timi, Missed you, no one can tell a story like you! Glad to see you had a fun holiday! The junk swap sounds fun, i may have to give that a try! Sue

Laurie Anne said...

Oh Timi,
You do live an exciting life. Can I be you when I grow up?

girls dress up games said...

some lovely photos! looked like you had a great time!

Andy's Attic said...

Your family and friends sound great! What a good time you all had together....just what it is all about. Happy New Year to you,

Mason said...

Looks like you had a wonderful christmas! And I LOVE Cranberry Cottage! :)

Susan @ www.peanutpetunia.blogspot.com

Barbara said...

Happy New Year to you, the Hubs, Charlie and Franklin...It's nice to "see" you back in blog land.

Give me a call sometime, I'd love to meet for lunch!


Debra said...

What a fun post! The apron you made was so cute.

My daughter LOVES the Nordstrom ladies lounge, too. I thought it was just her but I guess it's a little girl thing...

Amber Strehle said...

WOW!! That was like the longest blog post in the history of the world!! Oh and you do need your own personal photog following you around..I mean your Timi after all!

Wanda said...

Oh, Timi! Can I back up and have your Christmas? Y'all had so much fun! I wanna do ALL of that next year.

Please don't let this be you only post for January. We love you humor and style. The names crack me up. I haven't got to read as often as I'd like, but am trying so hard to... ahem... manage my time more wisely. Yeah, I've got the same problem. So, with getting back in the blog habit in mind, I'm having my first ever give away. Come on over sometime - or often - this month and leave a comment. Or two. Or more. ;-)