THANK YOU AMBER at Shabee Chick Designs. I love the new blog and I love the new website. Check out all her hard work at Cool Chick Club. I still haven't been able to get all my items listed on the website but it's coming along. Keep watching for items and links to make you the Coolest Chick in your neighborhood! I'm excited, it's going to be fun.
WOW! It's been a busy week. I am the queen of Fakebusy and this week was no exception. You ask what Fakebusy is? It's when your busy running around doing things that are unimportant but make you look like your the busiest person ever. Example........spending all day driving around to different craft stores looking for the perfect Sonora Palm. You also have to work in a couple errands so you have somethings that makes it look like you were productive. That is Fakebusy. It's not easy, it's an art and I have it perfected!
So this last weeks Fakebusy and why I have been waaaaaaaaaaaay to busy to blog.
Working with Shabee Chick Designs getting my blog and website designed. LOVE IT! Poor Amber, she had no idea what she was getting herself in to when agreeing to work with me. There is a reason I don't do well at computers or sewing! I can't follow directions.
Another thing at the top of the list this week was making arrangements to attend The Farm Chick Antique Sale in Spokane Washington. Yes you heard it here first! WSU Laura and I are so excited we can't stand it! Delightful Donna will be going along and my good friend Michele Libbey. She's a Bow girl. It's going to be a girls road trip weekend full of shopping, gossiping, and eating! Exactly what Cool Chick Club is all about. Drive, shop, lunch, cocktails, and shop some more!
We don't have too many flea markets in our area (weather never cooperates) so whenever there is one it's an event. This is an event we can't miss especially since it's kind of in our own backyard.
On Friday I was lucky enough to be invited to a great event in Mount Vernon. My long time friend from grade school and high school (know as the Bow Girls) Becky Wells invited me and of course I had to call the other Bow girls to join us. Being Becky's birthday and all I couldn't let it slide. Suzy Benson Janicki came along and Lori Wilhonen Walser met up with us for lunch. A couple of the others couldn't make it. Of course I had to bring Delightful Donna as well. She loves this stuff! I also called my mother too. It was just a great little posse! The event was Juntune Farm Antique Show and Garden Show which is a charity event for the Children's Hospital . This was the 9th annual and I'm embarrassed to say I have never attended this. IT WAS FABULOUS!!! This will be a definite mark on my calendar for the next one. There were so many great antique vendors and artist there. The gardens were beautiful despite the cold weather we have been having that has delayed spring in these parts. The Hospital guild that put this on did a wonderful job. I'm sorry I don't know specifically what guild it was but GOOD JOB LADIES!
During one of our walks through the gardens I asked my mother 3 or 4 times what she wanted to do for Mother's Day and she said "nothing, your Dad is gone this weekend and I'm doing nothing" " I said "OK, but remember that when your sitting at home on Sunday ticked off that your kids did nothing for you!"
I didn't say I was running for daughter of the year.
After all the fabulous shopping, and garden admiring it was off to Skagit Valley Gardens to look at flowers, garden art and best of all have some LUNCH! Now again being from Skagit Valley and raised most of my life there, I was embarrassed that not only didn't I know about this place but I hadn't been there. I also didn't know there is a wonderful little cafe in the middle of the nursery. The food was wonderful. It's owned by Ray and Katie and they do a great job. The flowers were all so beautiful. I could have spent a bunch of money but since The Hubs and I agreed no flower buying until we get some of our existing flower beds weeded I held off. It was a great day and the company was wonderful. I usually go home with a belly ache from laughing so hard. There is nothing like those friendships that have been there most of your life.
Even my mom told me later that evening........"I just love those girls, they make me laugh" "they made me laugh when you were kids and they make me laugh now"
The Hubs and I had a very lazy day on Saturday. We spent a lot of time talking about what we should be doing. What we would do if we won the power ball lotto of 120 million and what we should do for lunch. Then about noon we decided that maybe I should look for a Mother's Day gift my mom. Even if she said she wanted nothing I knew she's lying!
First stop Annie's Antiques in Snohomish. Didn't find any thing for my mother but I did spot a few things I'm going to need myself when her big sale starts next week. 10%- 50% off the entire store.........actually it's both stores. She has 2 great stores now.
Then it was off to Molbaks where again there were just too many lovely things to choose from, so mom didn't get a thing from there either. If you have never visited Molbaks put it on your list. They have some of the best ideas as well as just lovely things. They also have .........Wonderful Lunch! I wasn't kidding when I said this Cool Chick likes lunch! That was about the extent of our Saturday. We got nothing done and just continued the theme through Sunday.
Sunday morning I called my mother to see if she still wanted to do nothing for Mother's Day. I knew what she really wanted to do but I just wasn't' ready to go there. Finally after about a half hour on the phone I said "do you want me to buy you .99 lunch at the casino?" Of course she said "I can be ready to go in 5 minutes, I'm showered and dressed!"
So that is how I spent my Mothers Day with my mother, at the Angel of the Winds Casino watching her win and watching me loose. When it was all said and had to buy her own .99 lunch because I couldn't afford to!
The casino was packed and my mom said to me " I haven't seen one person here I know!" "I guess all the good mommies are home" "I'm a bad mommy" I said " well I haven't seen one kid here I know with any of these mothers, so I guess that makes me a bad kid too" "All the good kids are home cooking dinner for their good mommys, giving them fabulous gifts and cards." " I'm hear crying because I'm broke, and your buying your own .99 lunch!"
I guess neither of us will get an award this year.
It has been a great week and weekend. Now I'm ready to get caught up on my blog reading, answering, and maybe even tackle that website and get it conquered.
Hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day!
2 months ago
Isn't Amber the best?! A while back she did my blog for me.
I've changed it around since then (I have blogger ADD) but I just LOVED what she came up with for me.
Your two sites look fantastic!
well, now I hate you...I've dreamed of going to the Farm Chicks' Antique Sale...
okay, maybe I don't hate you, but I have a serious case of Envy...
and I love FakeBusy...I plan to steal that...
I'm so excited to go to the farm chicks. We just don't get flea market type things around here. We have to travel to California or the south to go to them. This is a big deal for us junkers.
You are more the welcome to use Fakebusy :-)
It's an art I have perfected and I should start a blog just on the teachings.
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