I started blogging on March 17th, and can't believe how much fun it has been, and how many great people I have met. I would have never guessed in a million years how much blogging would change my life!
It always amazes me how many people stop by each day to check out what I have been up to. They come from all over the US and the World. It's so much fun to watch that Feedjit feed to see what comes up next. It drives The Hubs nuts that I watch it all the time.
Me: "Hey someone from (insert your town and state here) looked at my blog today!"
The Hubs: "Really? That's great Honey" He goes back to reading or watching TV
You know damn well he's not listening and doesn't care!
So in honor of my 5 month blogiversary and my new super cool "Cool Chick Club" button, I'm going to do a Give Away. Yeah, I should have waited until September for 6 months, but I was just too excited! Have you seen my new button? Shabbee Chick Designs made it for me and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Amber does such a great job. If you haven't checked out her blog, website or had her make your blog spiffy, you should really treat yourself by paying her a visit!
Maybe I'll do something again for my 6 months Blogiversary!

Hand Painted Lolita Chocolate -Tini
Martini Glass
To win.............simply leave a comment that includes where you live. It's super simple!
Starting today August 17th until my Feedjit counter reaches 4000 is how long the contest will last.
I'll draw a name from those who have left comments on this blog posting. One posting per person please. Earn an extra entry if you refer a friend...Tell a friend about my blog and when they let me know that you have referred them, or that they read about it on your blog, I'll put your name in again. Want to earn another chance in the drawing???? Ad my button to your blog and let me know... and I'll put your name in TWO more times.
You don't have a blog and can't comment? No Problem! (My Billy Mays impersonation) Just send me an e-mail. I'm happy to put your name in the drawing. Same friend referral plan applies! Agirlnamedtimi@hotmail.com
I can't wait to hear from you!!!
Have a great day!
Thanks for coming by my blog and PLEASE enter me in your giveaway. I can already picture me sipping a white chocolate martini in it!!!
Have a great day and I will be back to visit soon :)
Ummm, am I allowed to enter? Also I put one of your buttons on my website and i will be mentioning your giveaway, so will I get 3000 entries????
Oh I love those Lolita glasses! They are soooo cute!
I found you through WSU Laura!
Love your blog header!
I live near the coast of South Carolina...it's not so great, right now it's like living in a sauna! ;)
I found you through Undomestic Diva and I am glad I did. I don't have a lot of blogs that I keep up with yet so I have been scouting around for some that are fun and yours is fun!
I am from Missouri.
Now, I will go back to reading.
Good Morning-Found your neat blog through WSU. I love these Lotita glasses-I have a "Dirty Martini" one. Would love to be part of the give away.
I am from Nebraska...
Shouting out to one of my homies from Bothell, WA!!!
This is my 1st visit to your blog... heck maybe I will start one. You know me, I always have an opinion and something to say!!
I will give this to Connie and maybe she will be able to figure out how to add you to her blog, and her daughter-in-law's too.
Love your page!!!
Cousin Carrie
Please Please Please add me in. This is the cutest ever!
Ok so LA.TE.DE and I were talking this evening, and I was told to go check out your blog..NOW I realize she was using me to get a referral..nice:) But all the same CUTE glass;)
La~Te~Da says "PICK ME!" and then I get an extra few for the referral, DANG Im good!
AND I may just BLOW your socks off with a few more!
That glass... CUTE stuff!
P.S. You know where I live:)
Hey, I live in Seattle - cap hill. You? Thanks for entering me in your giveaway! :)
Yay! I can now leave a comment!
Since I won the last one I think it only fair that I disqualify myself. But I wanted to say HAPPY BLOGIVERSERY!
Hello from the Mushroom Capital of the World: Avondale, PA! Pick me! I have a soft spot in my heart for booze and chocolate.
That glass is so cute! I found you through a comment at Lisagh's. Nashville, TN is my current home :)
I come from San Luis Obispo County,
California. Love the glass.
Love your site.
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