Guy Fieri after playing spin the bottle with me
Shoot, I'm sorry...............totally off track on my story here.............................. They do that to me!
Anyway.............Annie called, I was excited so of course I came up with some excuse why I needed to run down there right away. I decided that chatting with her about her Porch and Parking Lot Sale coming up on Saturday Aug 23rd would be an excellent excuse.
So I get to her shop and she hands me an envelope that has my name on it. Whatever in the world could it be? Before I open it she tells me that a woman named Gayle came in to her store and gave her this and asked that she give it to me. WOW! REALLY???? ME??? This shit doesn't happen to me!
Apparently Gayle and her daughter Sydney read my blog on a regular basis and she wanted to give me a little something. Look what was in my envelope
Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen? I was so excited and over come with gratitude that I couldn't speak. I know, that's a first! I was tearing up while reading it in the car. The Hubs was like "what the hell?" "give that to me I can't understand what your saying!"My initial............You know I'm obsessed with monograms around here.
The back has this cute little flower basket. Sorry my pictures sucks! Bad pictures are my thing you know
You have no idea how much this means to me. I'm so glad you enjoy reading about whats happening here in my little world. I don't think it's all that exciting but some days I just have to share because something funny, ironic, or annoying happened. And I figure if it's cracking me up or pissin me off it might do the same for you. Gayle and Sydney e-mail me! Agirlnamedtimi@hotmail.com
Oh wait.................I'm not done!
The Hubs and I as you may remember from last weeks posts, are cleaning up messes around here and getting rid of stuff. I posted on Craigslist some old white vintage picket fence sections that I had been hoarding, thinking I would do something fabulous with them. Don't you love Craigslist?
Yesterday this very nice woman came to pick them up and we got to chatting and...........She (Trish) IS SO GOING TO BE ONE OF MY NEW BFF's!! She too is a junker, Farm Chick, Smart mouth, very creative Diva and I totally enjoyed meeting her! Of course as soon as she left I had to log on to her blog and see what she was all about. Check her out! Trish at La Te Da Love . She also sells her fabulous items under Wild Whimsy . Check her out when you have some time. It totally made my day to chat with her yesterday so Trish if your reading.............It was nice meeting you, can't wait to do some junkin together.
In my last post for My Give Away I mentioned, that I have met some great people and it's totally changed my life since blogging. These two latest experiences are examples of EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!
Keep On Bloggin!
Have a great day
so are you coming out to see your other "smartmouth, junkin girlfriend" on Labor day?? huh, huh..are ya are ya???
Get that mobile estate packed up!
its Kelpers weekend babe
coastal nest
I know what you mean, Timi, I, too, am fairly new to blogging and am having a great time!! Count me in on your giveaway!
La~Te~Da here!
Lets get our JuNk on soon!
Thanks for the shout out!! You are a GEM girlie!
PS. I have a Gun Geek #3 for the hubs AND I have a LOVE for AIRSTREAMS.. honestly, is this for REAL?
Hey Timi,
That is so cool. Isn't blogging fun. It lets you meet folks from all over the world and even in your own back yard :0)
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