Happy Monday
Home From Another Camping Trip
I'm up to my eyeballs in dirty laundry. The house is a mess, I'm getting a new dishwasher installed "sometime" today, the lawn needs to be mowed, the weeds are bigger and more lush then the flowers, the mobile estate needs cleaning, and I have 97 e-mails to look at.
A small price to pay for fabulous weekend with The Hubs and my family!
I'll post pictures later of the very (how could my family not be fun?) fun family reunion we attended in Canyonville Oregon this last weekend. We had so much fun catching up with relatives, and even meeting some relatives that have never attended before. It's nice to finally see some of the kids attending. One of the best things about this weekend...................We had full hook ups for the mobile estate! Princess Lazy Ass couldn't have been more happy!
One of my favorite pictures from the weekend

This is my Grandmother (a fantastic 87 years old) trying to take a little morning nap with the newest addition to the family Penelope. They probably could have gotten a little nap in if everyone wasn't snapping pictures at them. Penelope would be my second cousin.
She is so damn cute! I don't think this little girl got to show us her new walking skills more then a couple times. She was being passed from lap to lap all weekend.
STAY TUNED......................MORE TO COME!
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