House Of B's Updates
Some updates for you on what's going on here at The House of B's. It's been super busy and Princess Lazy Ass is out of her element with all the work going on around her and work she is expected to do.
Friday morning Brian and Jordan had to come finish up. They didn't get everything done in 2 days like planned. Does anything ever go as planned? Not at this house, that's for sure!
We have decided that our house should be called the What The Hell House. Every time we try to do something at this house, doesn't matter how simple or how difficult, the words always come out of someones mouth...."What the hell?" Wiring, walls not straight, drape hanging, plumbing, additions, toilets, it doesn't matter. Even the guy installing the dishwasher a couple months ago said it when he took out the old dishwasher. I heard the words more then a couple times come out of Brian's and Jordan's mouth.
So needless to say............They had to come back on Friday to finish up.
My shameless plug for our construction guys.

Now I need to get busy painting!
On Friday I went to have lunch and spend some time a long time friend Trudy. I have known her since the late 80's when I met her through some friends of an old boyfriend. I sooooo got the better end of that deal!
I just don't get to spend enough time with her. Since I moved to the Seattle burbs it's hard to get to the Bellingham burbs. Well Friday we made time. It was super nice to see her and we promised each other it wouldn't be so long.
On my way home I picked up Princess Spoiled Brat so she could attend WSU Laura's fabulous Halloween party. She was so excited.
So we raced to my house so we could make our food for the party.
First assignment..........Mummies
I was trying to figure out how we were going to make our mummies, I had an idea so I started there. Princess Spoiled Brat was just smashin the dough on to the hot dogs. I told her she had the wrong holiday. Hers looked like Baby Jesus. She was laughing so hard I thought she was going to fall off the counter.
Her Baby Jesus creation.

Next up............Fingers and toes.
Mini corn dogs with the ends trimmed off and a little bit cut off the top. Then we dunked the ends in ketcup and baked. They did look a lot like toes and thumbs. They were nasty but the first to go.
WSU Hubs showing them how to look through their candy.
The hottest witches ever!
The 3 girls all decked out. They looked so cute.
After all the candy was gone through, sorted, divided, traded, and half eaten it was time for a little Guitar Hero.
Even Charlie and Mia got in on the festivities. Of course Charlie hated his skunk costume. He looked darn cute, which is really all that matters.
Here is my little gem I won. Now it took some work to get this. I pissed off alot of people when I finally got this big box of happiness!
It's and old pharmacy bottle filled with real pills made in to a lamp. BRILLIANT! I'm so using this for a white elephant gift at my Ugly Christmas Sweater Party next month.
I love the blue and white but the blue has become a problem.
Here are my finished stairs. They look great. MUCH MUCH BETTER!

WSU Laura knows how to throw a party. Her house was all decorated scary, she had scary food, and plenty of cocktails for the parents.
Then WSU Hubs and The Hubs took all 7 kids trick or treating. While we girls had a glass of wine and answered the door. Well WSU Laura answered the door the rest of us polished off all her wine.
The kids made a haul. They came back with bags full of candy, hats full of candy and so excited.

I'm tellin ya......WSU Laura thinks of everything! You haven't been to a party until you have been to a WSU Laura party!
As we were pulling up to the house Princess Spoiled Brat says "wow, I don't remember Laura's house looking like this" I told her she had never been here at Halloween. There was a long pause then she said "I think Laura watches too much Martha Stewart."
That comment and the Baby Jesus making made my weekend!

A fun time was had by all. We got home well after midnight and on the ride home Princess Spoiled Brat was planning her next years costume and trick or treating strategies with the kids that included a much larger trick or treat bag. She actually was planning her costume around a pillowcase for a trick or treat bag. You know like they did in the olden days. Yeah, that came out of her mouth in the planning conversation.
So on Saturday we got up late and started cleaning up the mess downstairs. Our downstairs is all done except for the painting and the carpet. Pictures to come soon. It was looking so good and I'm so ready for all these messes to be cleaned up that I moved up the carpet install date to Wednesday instead of Friday. NOW............I have to bust a move painting everything.
Princess Spoiled Brat was all fired up to help us paint. As much as I appreciated her enthusiasm I just couldn't go there. I make a big enough mess on my own. So The Hubs and I dreamed up things we needed to do on Saturday so we couldn't start painting yet. We just needed to stall until 5 pm then.....................
We were off to another party!
WSU Laura's mother (Mother Madden) and stepdad had their 20th wedding anniversary and they were havin a big ole' shindig. We were honored enough to get an invite to the big deal and the invite was extended to
Princess Spoiled Brat as well.
Party Theme........
Roaring 20's, White Elephant Gift Exchange, and Food Bank Donation.
Well what fun this was! Lots of people there, they were all dressed in flapper and gangster outfits and looked great. Yeah, we were some of the lame group that didn't dress up. Why I didn't take my camera to this shindig? I have no idea. Sorry, it was good!
Mother Madden (WSU Laura's mother) worked super hard on tons of food, prizes and white elephant gifts.
It was a great party!
The white elephant gift exchange was so damn much fun. I love these at parties!
The white elephant gift exchange was so damn much fun. I love these at parties!
Princess Spoiled Brat was so excited that she was able to trade one of the ladies some beads and a candle for these two horse head book ends. I'm glad they went home with her.

It was also so Blog Worthy I had to have it!
If you have never had a white elephant gift exchange or ever been to one you are soooooooooooooo missing out. These are a hoot and so much fun to shop for.
If you want to know more about how to have a white elephant gift exchange e-mail me and I'll tell you what we do. It's great fun!
We were at this fabulous party until after 1 am. On the ride home Princess Spoiled Brat talked about how much fun she had and wanted to know what party she would be going to next. I may have created a monster this weekend with the party going.
Sunday morning it was time to get up and get busy! We have at least a week of painting that needs to be done before Wednesday morning.
My brother came to pick up Princess Spoiled Brat in the late morning but before he left we put him to work. He helped The Hubs muscle the stove pipe back on the stove so we could get it painted and fired up for some heat.
Yes, your right! That pipe should have been painted outside but it didn't get done while we had some nice weather. Talk to The Hubs about that!
Now the rain has set in and we are up for at least 7 days straight of rain now. I can't wait for a non rain day to get that bitch painted. I want this room done and heated up!
I spent most of Sunday painting Wainscoting. I have it all most done.

However I'm thinking now that I want wainscoting all the side of the stairs and under the stairs enclosed.
Now with the stairs done the entry way really looks like crap!
Here is my blue paint problem. We have 12 foot ceilings on the white side of that blue and white line. If carry the blue all the way to the end of the wainscoting I will have to carry the blue all the way up the wall and in to the loft room above this room as well as in to the kitchen. I love the blue but not that much. Also I'm thinking the light blue with the white looks a little baby roomish. Then I saw on some decorating show that light blue should be in kids rooms not in living areas. I know I should do what I like but now that is just sticking in my head. So now I need to find another color for the wall. For now I'm going to paint it back to the off white that the entire house is. I need to sit and think about it a while before I commit to a color.

If you have any other ideas please e-mail me with them.

The stove pipe is in and painted! It looks so much better. I'm excited to take down the plastic this morning and get some paint on the walls behind it.
On this Monday morning, I'm going to finish up gramer and spell checking (like it does any good)my blog, eating my pumpkin chocolate chip bread (I have a recipe to die for), and cup of tea. THEN...........I'm going to start painting. I'll take more pictures to post when I get the carpet installed on Wednesday. I'm soooooooooo excited!
Have a great day!
What a busy weekend, sounds like a lot of fun.
I totally feel you pain on the whole where to stop the paint thing. Here is my suggestion. Why not put a simple piece of trim where the blue ends so you won't have to carry it up the whole wall. We have lived in our house over 5 years and the common wall from out basement to our vaulted hall was is still halfway painted because I don't want to climb the ladder to paint. You could also just not paint that wall blue. It is hard to tell from the pic how much of that wall is in the downstairs. Lastly, don't worry what the tv says. If you like that blue (btw it is really pretty) so what it is your house and it should make you happy.
Screw HGTV :0)
I like the blue - I was just looking at Cottage Living site room ideas and there was a bunch of blue. I love the wainscoting too.
WOW!! I should of grab a cup of coffee before reading this.... I love your posts!!!
The stairs are looking awesome, I again still dont envy you. Im so done with home projects ! LOL
The party looked like a TON of fun, the kids costumes are so darn cute!
Keep up the great posts !!!!
I am loving all the new upgrades!! And the name of your house is hilarious!! What The Hell House ... classic!! LOL!!!
I would like to know why I wasn't invited to all the fun Halloween events? Looks like you all had a great time!!
Well it looks like things are coming right along. I love the new wainscoting. I have the exact same stuff in my bathroom. Love it.
The party looked and sounded like lots of fun. Your niece is a dol. So pretty! Loved the Martha Stewart comment. Clever.
You could always paint your wainscoting a color and leave the baseboard and rail white. Taht way you could have color and not have to deal with the 12' ceilings. Just an idea. You could also make large frames on the wall with molding and add color to that then create a display inside with photos, paintings, shelves, etc.
Have a lovely evening.
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