Marriage Test 2008
Just Got A Little Harder!
Just Got A Little Harder!
The Hubs is employed by a company here in the Pacific Northwest that is gracious enough to give their employees Christmas through New Years off.
With that said, he isn't going back to work anytime soon. The original plan for us this week after Christmas was to take the mobile estate on a trip to the Washington and Oregon coasts. I had big plans of meeting Lisa from Coastal Nest. With the weather we are having, that isn't going to happen.
Note to Lisa.....I know you knew nothing of this plan but it was on my agenda.
Saturday morning we still have this much snow!
We went to check on the mobile estate yesterday and The Hubs could barley get there. Even in 4-Wheel drive the truck was not getting through the snow and ice to the storage facility where the mobile estate is kept. Sooooooooooo here we sit.
We have been pretty lucky with being able to get in and out over the last couple weeks. Today.............totally different story! Too slushy, too much snow, and The Hubs' wheels just spin and spin.
We decided last night that we should use this time a little more wisely. That maybe sitting and watching it snow, waiting for it to melt, watching movies, playing Wii and eating weren't the best use of all this time he has off.

We decided last night that we should use this time a little more wisely. That maybe sitting and watching it snow, waiting for it to melt, watching movies, playing Wii and eating weren't the best use of all this time he has off.
At 9 pm last night we decided to update one of our ugly ass bathrooms.
I'm sorry, I don't have BEFORE pictures for you of our guest bathroom that I despise. I thought I did but I don't. Here are some of the before decorating choices of the previous owners that will be vacating
The House of B's!

1980's country style, light blue wallpaper with pink hearts. There was a time in my life I would have given my right eye for this wallpaper hanging somewhere in my house. Along with my goose collection.

Oh you know what I'm talkin about!
If you didn't have geese all over in your house you had hearts. Or.....your house looked like a Miami Vice set.

*******Attention All**********
The photos of these goose dust collecting items are not from my collection. They are photos I found on line. My collection was sold off years ago when.......THEY WENT OUT OF STYLE!
Matching linoleum. Well it didn't match at all but it was from the same era.

The hideous burnt orange Formica along with the dark wood cabinets.

I took a black sharpie pen and wrote on all the walls
I'M UGLY BUT I'M CLEAN. Seemed no matter how much I cleaned it still looked dirty. I found the need to let my guests know that it really was clean.
With some badgering and taunting from the The Hubs at 9 pm Friday night I started stripping wallpaper off the walls.
I have stripped more than half the walls in this house of wallpaper. I'm almost an expert!

After the wallpaper was down.

He tore out the vanity 

Then the linoleum came out

Charlie checking out all the holes. Making sure we don't have any vermin in there. Good dog!
Now what?
We hated this bathroom and it needed to be updated (along with the other two ugly bathrooms) so we tore it apart while The Hubs was off this week. Now it's time to figure out what we should do for updating this space.
Any suggestions?
The space is only 5'x5'. We aren't taking out the tub but will be replacing fixtures. This is a guest bathroom. It seldom - never gets used.
Let me know what you think?
I'm leaning towards small black and white hexagon subway tiles on the floor, pedestal sink, and smaller toilet. Maybe some wainscotting on the walls to cover up some of the holes, stains and cut down on the retexturing.
Let the project begin!
Hi Timi,
Man you two are making the rest of us slackers look bad!! Make some eggnog fudge and take a break... I posted the recipe for you!
As far as great ideas for the bathroom, go with something that won't be so awful in 20 years as the geese and hearts from the 80's. Just what that is??
I think a pedestal sink is a good idea, above it, an old cool frame (oval would be my first choice) with a mirror in it.
Or.... an old wooden medicine cabinet with a mirror on the door. Maybe that could be on the other wall?? I'm sure you must have both of those hanging around waiting for a place to hang them? Well. and then since you asked I also love old molding (is that spelled right or should there be an e somewhere)anyway, with hooks for the towels or doorknobs. And is there room for maybe a little chandelier??
Wow, what a great idea to get some work done! Come on over here when you all are done, got lots to do! Oh yeah, you can't go any place, darn it, thought I had a work crew! Glad you killed the "geese" era! Much improved with even the wallpaper gone. Makes it look bigger too. I agree, if you don't need the storage and can do it, pedistal sink, will make it seem larger too. I just saw some shabby chic with roses off white oval mirrors at Marshalls yesterday. Hubby does not know it but I want to work on the tile floor in our masterbath tub area while he is on vacation starting the 5th. For what the floor place here in town wanted for a small area, I said I would learn to tile myself!! That is one of our last things to do in our master bedroom suite area, floors. We were going to do it this fall and then hubbies car blew up and my floors are now parked in the driveway!
Have fun, I can't wait to see it done!
What colors are you going for? Is it a girly bathroom or a guys bathroom? I could think of many different ways to help ya out!!!
Joy's right, make some fudge- sit back and relax :)
Mama always said, "Simplicity is always in good taste" and "less is more". Go for good bones like moulding and the pedestal sink. Personally, not a fan of the black tile. I think an all white would look better, less busy, but that is just me. If you panel the lower half of the wall, then you can be a little more free with the upper wall color and when you need to change it, there is less to repaint. Can't wait to see the finished pics.
We are having major rain here today, are you guys getting rain or snow? I hope it is rain, so you guys can get out. I feel your pain for another week of the Boeing break :0)
Yep, I had geese, ducks and hearts.
All long gone. If you choose lighter colors as a base you could always accent with towels or rugs in what ever color suits you at that time or season.
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