Update On The Update
Thought maybe I would show you all what's goin on with the bathroom update that we have undertaken.
Recap for those of you just joining in;
We were snowed in for 2 weeks and decided that instead of watching TV, eating, watching movies, reading, and fighting we would instead tear apart a bathroom that desperately needed some update to it. This has given us a legitimate reason to fight.
Now you're caught up
We were able to get out of the driveway the other day to start shopping for new fixtures, tile, and paint.
I now have a vision. I only hope it looks as good in real life as it does in my head.
Attention Readers.
****Warning Issued****
If you have ever hired a Contractor you will find this humorous. If you ARE a Contractor you will probably be offended. I won't say I'm sorry because you know it's true!
This is my contractor for this bathroom update project. The Hubs Remodel Inc
I call him the contractor now because he TOTALLY has the whole contractor gig down.

I know your sitting there thinking "what's that mean?" Let me give you a little run down on how Contractor Hubs operates.
8:00 am Roll out of bed, punch time clock
8:01-8:15 Give boss (Me, Princess Lazy Ass) a run down on what's going to get done today.
8:16 Leave house to get supplies
8:20 Stop at Hoochie Mocha (Barista's with big boobs and little clothing work the stand near our house. I have given them this name) and get coffee and treat for Charlie (dog/work partner).
8:35 Leave Hoochie Mocha big tip and drive away with big ole' cup of Hoochie Mocha Happiness.
8:36 Drive 30 miles to get supplies so that one doesn't have to pay the $50 delivery charge and can obtain materials before holiday.
Contractor rule #1 always plan poorly so you can get away from the job for a while. Leaving early will allow you to sit in traffic for a long period of time so you can enjoy your coffee and listen to sport radio.
9:30 Arrive at supply destination. Have supplies loaded at Will Call and bull shit with loading guy.
10:15 Think about what you're doing and realize you need more supplies.
10:35 Arrive at huge fancy hardware store, McLendon's in Renton. This is the mother ship of McLendon hardware stores. The Hubs loves this store.
Go in and shop like a girl.................
11:00 Finish up shopping at store and load a $100 worth of stuff in the truck. Some items not needed for this job but it was cool and he might need it one day.
11:10 Head back home
11:25 Getting close to lunch better think about where to go
11:45 Arrive at Ranch Drive In for lunch. Go in, order, and wait. Deluxe Cheese Burger, Fries, Coke. Also order extra hamburger patty and cup of water on the side. Eat lunch, read paper, bullshit with old farts having lunch.
12:30 Return to truck. Feed Charlie (work partner) hamburger patty and give him some water.
12:50 Start heading home, remember personal errand that needs to be done. Drive 8 miles past house.
1:15 Drop off movies at Blockbuster. No need to pick up more......I'm workin! No time for movie watching!
1:30 Arrive back home. Get out of truck, take Charlie to pee. Run in to neighbor bullshit for a while.
2:00 Come back in house show Boss (Me, Princess Lazy Ass) purchases.
2:30 Start work in bathroom
3:45 Realizes he doesn't know what the hell he's doing
3:50 Start wrapping up so that more research can be done on the Internet and in home repair books. This research will be considered over time I'm sure.
4:00 Punch out! Work day is over!
The Contractor got the texture on the wall and the window drywalled in. This was the wall that had wallpaper covering it. Now it's time for me, Princess Lazy Ass to get in there and start painting. That way The Contractor can put up the wainscoting tomorrow and start laying tile. I have already been informed that The Contractor will need to go to the store tomorrow again to get supplies. Go figure!
Here is where we are at

Classic. This choice was inspired by my bathroom trips in New York earlier in the month. I love the subway tiles and black and white floors.
I'm going with an apple green on the walls, picket fence white by Martha Stewart (I have used this every where in my house that white was needed) on the wainscoting that will go around the lower part of the walls. Then somehow, use the black & white toile and black & white check somehow. You bet I'll be using some monogrammed items too.
So you're up to date now on the Bathroom Update Project.
I'm off to paint!
I'll have more pictures to post in a couple days.
Stay tuned
Timi, I know you called this a Contractor's Segment or post but you sure it wasn't another marriage test one, LOL!
SOoooo sounds like my contractor around here. But for mine you have to throw in , "honey bring me this tool, or that tool, or a pencil, or my ladder etc." Because heaven forbid he actually takes his tools in with him where he is working!! ha
I am loving the colors and it is going to be good. I can feel your vision girlfriend!
Now to crack that whip on your worker there and get er dun!
And try not to pummel him in the process!
Then come teach me how to tile!
I will supply the food, I make a mean home made lasagne and baked cheesecake, bribe bribe!
Love the green!!!
Oh my, how wonderful!! I love it all, how about making a shower curtain with the fabric? One on top like a valance, one on bottom for curtain..or both the same the toile and the check for a ruffle?? I bet you could find green pom pom trim?? I have used that toile for chair cushions before.
Have you seen those words out of vinyl that you rub on to the wall that say what ever you want? My friend sells them, its called Uppercase. Cute name, I saw Be yourself, everyone else is taken...You can order whatever font and size. Black would be cool on those white walls.
You could say something commemorating your contractor?? The sky is the limit..
Okay, I stand corrected, the floor tile looks AMAZING. I think I was thinking of something totally different.
For the fabric, might I suggest getting some nice towles and putting a big fat band of toile across the bottom. I will try and find a pic to send you. I've seen this done and it looks very cool. I also love the bufflo check. Your bathroom is going to look great. Very classic and timeless.
You must be online :0)
WOW! First, love the tile, we used to have a similar version in our bathroom before my mom tore it all out for her remodel. And you know how I feel about toile. BEAUTIFUL! I love the idea from Auntie Joy of a saying you can put on the wall with the vinyl lettering and Laurie Anne's idea of adding it to the towels and then copy Lisagh and use the fabric scraps (with soem apple green fabric)to make a damn cute wreath for the door. You are so going to be busy I won't be seeing you until April.
This is a freakin funny post girl..seriously soooo true!! And whats up with all these half naked espresso stands here in WA?? Back in AZ at least you have a reason to be naked (its fricken HOT!) but here?? What gives? They should be in fur parkas and Ugg boots!!
Ok I'm going to go read this post to The Husband..good stuff!
Happy New Year Timi! I love your colors and the fabrics. You can have a valance or shower curtain made using both of the fabrics in the one piece. They are very pretty choices. We have such similar tastes. We are having our bathroom in the basement built from scratch. The contractor was supposed to be done by Christmas but we ended up having visitors so all work came to a halt. Hopefully this week he will finish up. Fingers crossed. You have a brave hubby!
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