Ugly Christmas Sweater
White Elephant
Party 2008
After a fabulous week in New York (that I blabbed about all week and I'm not done) I was slapped in the face with reality as soon as I walked in the door upon coming home. Clothes folded on the couch right where I left them, no Christmas lights up, and basically.......nothing changed from when I left. Now you all know I don't live alone. How can this happen? The Hubs was suppose to get some projects done for the party we had scheduled the following weekend. NOTHING!
Now your saying to yourself............"why in the hell would she go to New York, come home late Saturday night, then schedule a party the very next Saturday?" "That's just F'in stupid! " Well in my defense, I wasn't going to go to New York. We had chosen this date waaaaaaay in advance of me even thinking about going. Save the date announcements has been sent out already. Still stupid planning.
So frantically this last week I tried to get my act together and some what ready for The House of B's 2nd annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Potluck and White Elephant Party. I never get everything done I had planned. Does anyone? Have you ever thrown a party and had everything completely done, ready and standing at the door greeting guests when they arrived? Me.....NEVER!
So let me set the stage for you on our annual Ugly Christmas Sweater, Potluck and White Elephant party.
This is a party where anything goes. Ugly, tacky, everything you own Christmas worn at the same time, it's all good. Everyone votes on who's sweater is the ugliest and who had the best ensemble overall. Then we also have a potluck competition. We encourage everyone to pull out their best pot luck recipes. Guests vote on what dish they liked best and a fabulous prize is also given. Then comes the White Elephant gift exchange. This is so much fun. Last year we had a few people who didn't really understand how it all worked mixed with a few veterans of the white elephant gift giving. This is always fun when a new person opens up something so hideous they don't even know what to say. We only had a couple new horrified guests and the veterans...........VERY CREATIVE this year. We really had some fantastic gifts.
So here we go with the pictures........................
House decorated and ready for guests. Stocking were hung by the fire. Hey, there are 4 there???? She doesn't have any kids. No we don't but Charlie and Franklin need stockings. Santa likes to bring them a little somethin somethin.
A little cat nip and a pig ear are always in their stockings.
Looking all festive
My tree.
Christmas lights are my favorite part of Christmas. I could just sit with all the lights off and just the Christmas lights on with a fire going. It's my favorite way to relax. Which is hard for me, I'm a little tightly wound.
Sun room ready for guests
This is the drink station outside. With temperatures in the 20's we decided that it was the perfect place. The ice from 3 days ago is still out there.
It's freakin cold here!

It's not really different from Laura's party. This time I just hung up Christmas decorations. It wasn't until yesterday that I realized I had used the decorations for the sun room in the living room. Oh well.........better luck next year getting everything hung up in the right places.

This is how I cover up my ugly ass doors in the entry way. I cover them with wrapping paper and ribbon. Then put all the Christmas cards I received on one door and pictures from the previous Christmas Party on the other.
So let the party begin.................
Your host and hostess for the evening.
The Nuckinfuts
The Hubs looked so cute in his velvet pimp shirt. It had a green sequin Christmas tie that went with it but he couldn't take the tie.

That's my Dad. He never dresses up but he usually comes up with some fantastic White Elephant gifts. He also is the best heckler in the group. He gets the new guests all worried and freaked out when they are choosing gifts.

The appetizer table. I didn't get a very good picture sorry.
Shitty pictures are my thing! Thank God Barb, Benjamin, and my mother took pictures as well. So there are some good pictures for you to see.

My folks in front of the Christmas tree. One could not ask for better parents. A little wacky but the best parents ever.

Our fabulous neighbors Dan and Vic. Vic really gave Mother Madden a run for her money this year in the over all ensemble category. It was a close race.

2600 sqft and everyone always gathers in the smallest room in the house. I swear one day I'm going to take a hammer and chain saw to my kitchen and make it the biggest room in the house!

Mother Madden in her fabulous outfit. She did win the over all worst outfit. I think it was the Dr. Seuss leg warmers that won it for her.

These are two of my very bestest friends. Michele on the left, me, and Suzy. We have been friends since the 4th grade. I love them!
After we all stuffed ourselves silly with all the yummy food that was there, we convened in the living room for a little gift exchange amongst friends. 
Michelle and Patty.
Patty came with her sister Barb. This was their first time at our White Elephant gift exchange and I'm pretty sure they had no idea what they were getting themselves in to. Patty made the mistake of leaving her lovely gift behind at my house. She will so regret that!

Monique was the first to choose.

She was lucky enough to receive a Pee Pee Stick. It's for the lazy man who needs a little help peeing. Thank God she lost that gift later in the game. She went home with something ...........MORE BETTER!
Donna picking her gift.

Donna went with the big pretty bag.

She received this lovely wall hanging. It was so pretty I tried to get an up close picture of it for you.
GOOD LORD! Someone had a lot of time invested in this creation.

All the fairies on the inside were all bedazzled as well. It was very sparkly.

Mother W receiving her Wine Sippy Cup. She was thrilled with it.
She ended up losing it later on.

Father W with is lovely paper mache pineapple.

Seeeeeeee what she got instead of a pee pee stick.

Mother Madden opening a gift.

This was a lovely little doll changed in to an air freshener.
This isn't a very good picture of them but trust me when I tell you they looked fabulous in their ugly ass Christmas attire. Laura's sweater was a beautiful purple and I don't think there were any beads or sequins left in China after they made that sweater. WSU Hubs had a lovely Santa themed Hawaiian print shirt on. The Hubs was very jealous.

The Hubs with is little Reindeer ornament.

Donna got to choose another gift at the end and boy did she pick a winner!

The snow started falling harder, it was getting colder outside and people decided they better head home. Prizes were given out for The Best Of and out the door everyone went.
The next morning in cleaning up the mess I came across gifts that some guests decided to leave behind. Now this isn't a good thing because I gurantee you I will make sure they get these gifts back one way or another!
Let me show you some of the gifts left behind. I don't know why these people didn't want to take these home????

The large plastic Nun bank was left behind on my mantel. I actually kind of like her and I think I'll keep her every year there. She will be the Ugly Christmas Party Potluck White Elephant Gift Party mascot.

The blow up Super Bowl football helmet got left behind too. Oh it will make it's way back to it's rightful owner.

These 3 beauties were also left behind.

I had to show you close up pictures of the doll air freshner.

Once again The Hubs and I had a wonderful time and we can't wait to do it again next year. We were thinking that we need to have a similar party in July. Maybe a 4th of July BBQ.
WSU Laura brought me this fabulous little
Lolita wine glass ornament. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I hung it right next to my Bloomingdales ornament.
So the next morning after sleeping late, and dreading going downstairs to see the mess to be cleaned up
We woke up to snow!

It's Tuesday now and there is still snow on the ground and it's in the teens for tempature. Not my favorite weather but it does make me stay in the house and get things cleaned up. I also need to be baking and wrapping gifts. I guess this is God's way of saying......TIMI YOU SHOULD STAY HOME AND GET SOMETHIN DONE!
On a side note totally off the subject but I needed to share..................while I was suppose to be getting ready for my party last week. I made a little side trip to my friend Tommie's house. Yes, a girl named Timi has a girl named Tommie as a friend. Go figure?
This is why I went over there. I had to see her little
Westie Puppies she is selling. Her cute little dog Popcorn had puppies. I have been avoiding her like the plague because I was scared I would bring one home. I'm a total sucker!
Well I didn't! I showed great restraint.
But just incase your in the market for a cute little male
Westie puppy. They are for sale

All 3 are males. They are so damn cute and all of them have great personalities.

If your interested send me an e-mail and I'll put you in touch with Tommie.
Have a fantastic day!
You guys sure do know how to party!! I absolutely love your fireplace and mantle ... so pretty!!
Omigod! Those puppies are soooo cute! Waaayyy cuter than my white elephant gift! I'm so jealous you got to keep the nun!
Such a great time and I am still laughing about that scary doll picture Donna "won". Hee hee hee.
the lord as my witness, that looks like a right fine party.
those doggies are darling.
your place is great, especially with sister mary catherine on the mantle.
Merry Christmas, girlfriend!
What an awesome party. White Elephant parties super fun. I laughed out loud at the mention of the pee pee stick.....
Hi-glad you left a comment...I agree kick his a** to the curb!
what a fun party!! really like your blog.will stop in again.QP
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