I know!
It’s been what seems like forever since I did a post. It’s not because I’m so busy it’s more like because nothing really exciting has been happening at
Over the last week I have been doing lot of screwing around with Laura, Michele, and Donna. We have done some thrift store shopping, dollar store shopping, mall shopping, had afternoon tea at The Queen Mary, football party, and some more shopping.
I wish I would have taken my camera. She was trying to be so grown up, and acting like traveling was something she did everyday. Reading signs for where to go, pulling her luggage her self, and making sure all her prized possessions (15 thousand My Favorite Ponies) were packed safely before they took her luggage to be loaded.
This very cute Vera Bradley Hipster New Colors
bag and Vera Bradley Botanica Reversible Belt
. I'll be stylin for Farm Chicks!

Yesterday I did a little thrift store shopping while I was suppose to be running errands.
Look at my finds…………….

Remember the cute little vintage handbag keeper I found a couple weeks ago? I found this great hat box that goes with it.

The colors are perfect together. The colors don't match a thing I have but they are so fabulous I had to have them. I put all my handbags and hats in them up in the top of my closet.
I love it!
Makes me feel all organized and shit!

I saw in one of my magazines that they had taken old Ball Jars and planted paper whites in them. It was so cute. I was thinking maybe these would be cute with some hyacinthsin in them for spring.
We will see, I'm usually not so good with the follow through on planting things.

Now the find of the day that I was just giddy over.............
This cotton print blanket in all the colors of my bedroom.

Here is a hard to find item I was excited about. It's hard to find nut crackers and picks in these parts. We use them for crab crackers and everyone is looking for them. I found these at the grandma thrift store. I'll be passing these on to Laura, she was looking for some and couldn't find them. I got a couple last week.

I stopped at a store to do a return and I just happen to get there when they were putting out some new Life is good Longsleeve Shirt for Women
I had to have this shirt!

When I got home and there was huge box on my front porch.
I did'nt order anything.
So I open up the box.....
Look what was in side!
I was so excited I about wet my pants.

I know your probably wondering the same thing The Hubs was………
What the hell is it?

It’s a Wired Haired Fox Terrier topiary form!
Donna had it sent to me for my birthday.
It’s freakin fantastic and I’m so excited to find a place for it, get it planted and looking fantastic.
Any suggestions?
Where should I put it?
What should I plant it with?
Should I let it stand alone or should I put it in a large pot with other flowers?
This form came from Plant Play.

I have the worst time following instructions on patterns. I think this is what keeps me from trying.
I also thought my hutch needed a little spiffin up.
This is before

This is after

I was trying to use some of the items given to The Hubs and I by our Grandmothers.

Now I'm kind of thinking it just looks like a cluttered mess. This is something I'm going to have to work on again. I'm not sold on my display skills.
The Hubs went out the other day and started the chain saw up and started trying to clean up the aftermath of snow, wind and flooding.

This was a huge old growth Lilac tree in our front yard. It just broke right in half. That one made me sad. The rest of the trees and scrubs that got broke off I don't really care. They will come back. This Lilac tree I'm a little sad to see cut down. Maybe it will come out of it this spring.

Charlie and I watched a little of the clean up. Yes, I should have been out there helping.
I cleaned bathrooms (yes there is still 2 that needed cleaning) while he was out there. I hate yard work!
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for finding those nutcrackers for me, DH is esp. going to be luvin you. I think the buffet looks good.And I LOVE the little flower table you found. You did really well on your shit -shopping adventure.
Great finds. Don't worry about the lilac, it will come back. Probably won't bloom this year, but will next year if you leave what's left alone ;0)
You and several other bloggers have inspired me to start looking into Thrift store and goodwill shopping, I have never really done it before ,but when I see what you all are bringing home, I think I have to give it a whirl! I will let you know if I find anything! Sue
Well I am glad to see you were having shits and giggles while gone! Good for you. More fun than what I have been doing, sick, yuk!
You found some fun things and I am loving your topiary and the real thing is darling too! Making me want a doggy again!
I think you have better thrift stores than we do here. That little table is Too cute! I'll be watching to see if you decide to sell it.
Ok first off..FRICKEN CUTE TABLE!!!
You MUST share that special thrift store with me..I promise not to buy all the good stuff...ok that was a lie, but still!!
And secondly I heard through the grape vine you have some dress forms for sale..need the info on those I might have a interested party:)
I think the hutch looks great!
Love all the finds.
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