Rehab Is For Quitters!
As you all know I have a Facebook/Bejeweled problem. I have not been secretive about it. It's a damn problem!
Well last weekend The Hubs hauled me off to Oregon with my family to see Grandma and hopefully break me from the horrible addiction of being on Facebook 24/7 playing Bejeweled. We called it Another Rehab Trip.
I honestly don't know how this happened. When I originally got on Facebook I didn't like it. I thought it was stupid. Now it's my BEST friend.
Sometimes I get so engrossed in Bejeweled that I can't stop, get up or move. Just one more minute! That's all I need. My hair gets in my face and I have to grab the first thing that is handy to use as a headband.
Yes, folks that's The Hubs' undies holding my hair back. It works! They're clean! This is what the addiction has done to me. Next it will be a Diet Coke fountain installed next to the computer and me wearing Depends!
It's bad!!!!
This is how The Hubs found me last Friday when he got home from work. I was suppose to be ready to go to Oregon. Clothes packed, Charlie to the dog sitters, Franklin ready for a weekend home alone, car packed, gassed up and ready to go by 11:00 am.
I was playing Bejeweled!

This is me telling him.................One more minute! That's all I need to beat these people! Now back off! We aren't' going until I at least beat
WSU Laura!

See the purple highlight to the right of screen? That's me in second place on the little tournament that Bejeweled has.
WSU Laura was the only person I needed to beat to be #1!

I beat Ann!
I have never been able to beat WSU Laura. She is the QUEEN of Bejeweled.
So I know your sitting there saying to yourself.........Why in God's Name would she put these horrendous pictures of herself on the blog???
I lost the bet! The Hubs took them, and told me if I couldn't stay off Facebook for a weekend and at least one day after we got back I had to post them and tell everyone about my problem and how it has escalated.
I couldn't do it! I fired up the laptop and got connected to WiFi in the hotel room! Yeah, that's right...........the very night I made the agreement with him.
Have you seen
Tropic Thunder? As I was posting these pictures it reminded me a scene in that stupid movie. "Don't go full tard! It will ruin your career."
I'm afraid this might be blog suicide. Outing myself and my addiction, the truth of how bad it is, and my inability to photograph well. If I had anyone reading this, wanting to pay me money to blog..........They are long gone now!
Oh well...................
So we finally got on the road. I swore I was going to take a ton of pictures so I would have something to blog about when I got home.

Leaving Seattle......that's
Mount Rainer. It was a beautiful cold clear day here in Washington. Snow threat pending, perfect for a road trip!

This is mine and The Hubs' rest area. It's special to us. We stop here on every trip to Oregon.
Your wondering............special?
What does that mean? Did they have wild freaky monkey sex in the car or something there?
NO! Get your minds out of the gutter.
This was our first overnight illegal rest stop stay in our trailer.
Lets hear an AAAAHHHH isn't that sweet!
Next stop..................
Because The Hubs promised if I would get my shit together and get off that damn computer!
As you know from other posts, we don't have a
Sonic close to us. So it's always a treat to stop when you are near one.

The Hubs lookin over the menu

The Menu
Seeeeeeeee I'm such a good picture taker! I don't know why some photography places hasn't called me to come to work.

This was our server. How damn cute is she!
She was so nice and stood and chatted with us for a while. Wish I wasn't so engrossed in my Diet Coke and tots. I would have gotten her name.

This is the best part of Sonic. The Diet Coke with the pellet ice. I don't' know why but it's just the best Diet Coke ever!

The sunset driving down the highway in Oregon.

It was so pretty. It's been a long time since we had seen a sunset.
So that's where my picture taking ended.
I totally forgot to take pictures of the rest of the weekend.
We got to Grandma's. Hung out with her and the family for a few days. Did a little sight seeing in the
Salem Oregon area. My Dad is a great tour guide. We drove around and looked at some of the old homesteads of my great grandparents, uncles, and Grandma's old friends.
Here are a few places we ALWAYS stop when in the neighborhood.
They have great produce, baked goods, preserves and when flower planting gets started some of the most beautiful flower baskets you have ever seen. It was a little too early for flower baskets but we did make it home with some Marionberry scones.

They were fabulous! As you can see I almost missed this photo opportunity.

Vogets Meats in Hubbard is a stop that The Hubs and my Dad never drive by. We had to pick up some summer sausage, pepperoni, and bacon. The Hubs would have bought half a beef or pig if we could have gotten it in to the VW Bug. We would have looked like the Flintstone's driving down the road with a side of beef sticking through the convertible top.
and of course Grandmas favorite........
Sizzler. We always take her to dinner there when we visit. We actually kind of like it and look forward to it as much as Grandma does.
We didn't get to do much tax-free shopping. We had Grandma and Princess Spoiled Brat with us. They aren't the best shoppers.
On the way home Sunday The Hubs and I stopped at some old friends of mine. They just bought some property in Wilsonville Oregon and are building a house. They had their new barn and chicken coop built. It had been a long time since I had seen them and this was a perfect time to stop for a visit and viewing of their big new beautiful barn. pictures yet again!
It was nice to see them and visit. We will try not to make it so long in between visits next time.
This is the last time I'm going to talk to you about my Bejeweled addiction and failed rehab attempts. Rehab is for quitters, which I am not! However..........I'm going to be better about posting blogs more regularly. Also getting some stuff around here. I need to find a happy balance.
If I go more than 2 days without posting a new blog I want you to e-mail me and say
I need you to kick me back to reality.
Hi Timi! I have a confession...ever since you mentioned "that game", I had to check it out - and OMG I'm in need of an intervention!!! I seriously have the "just 1 more minute syndrome". I can't get any of my FB friends to play me either - go figure. hehe I was so happy to get a high score over 70K last week, and then the damn game reset to zero the other day.... I just need one more minute and I swear I can beat my high score. ;o)
Yes, I have the same problem with bejeweled. And i have to say Timi, during the day i check facebook in between sheets of cookies. It drives Dave crazy because I'm suppose to be working. Almost every time I check the facebook either you or Laura are on. You both need rehab (me too!).
Your pictures look great and someday we are going to get in the MINI and do a road trip out west. We were actually looking to move to Oregon or Washington, but wound up in Vermont.
If we ever plan that road trip I'll let you know so you can tear yourself from FB and take me to the thrift stores!
Hi Timi! Sounds like you had a fun weekend, but I can't believe you didn't tell me you were going to Sonic. I could have easily met you there. I am afraid to even look at that Bejeweled game for fear of it doing to me what it's doing to you. I'm thinking a road trip up your way next month might be in order. A little shopping, laughing and Bejeweled intervention.
I am going to send you some headbands! lol. I think you have me beat for "unigue" outfit worn when blogging. I like pjs, headband, crackers, pop, ok I do expand my legs in unique positions when i am blogging. But you would not want to see that ! Oh I do wear my hubs socks clean. I am not sure i want to pull out his undies though. lol. Maybe you should decorate his undies ... mishelle
Where to start. Bejeweled: it only takes a minute to play. And god forbid if any of my friends get higher than me, then it is on. I didn't no I was so competitive. Sonic: we need one up here, I am looking forward to our trip to Spokane just to get an ice pellet drink. Hubs: now I can tell everyone I have seen his big boy pants. LOL
I love your honesty. We all are junkies for something. Great pictures!
I just found you by way of "TheCrownedcasa" and I must say, I am in Stitches*!!! I totally understand your addiction to your fav online game. Mine is Solitaire Race*! I can't stop playing*!!! Can't get enough*!!! I just twist my hair up in a bun and keep snacks by the computer. *GRIN* I MUST save your blog and come back often*! Thanks for the laughs ~ Oh, and also for the beautiful pictures from the rest of your weekend trip*!
I am so glad the Hubs panties were clean. You are a riot! p.s. the diet coke, I am afraid is killing you.
love, Jenny
Love the latest look in headware..It's going to be all the rage this spring:)
Crackbook is a harsh mistress who does not like to be ignored.
Sounds like OR was a good trip.
Timi your not alone. I love bejeweled but right now I am trying to beat the hubster in bowling buddies.....facebook is crack!
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