It Was A Junk-O-Rama!!
Sometimes I can't believe I'm living my life!
The Hubs and I always have fun, but sometimes he just can't take any more fun and sends me off by myself. Reluctant to leave him out of the loop, I sometimes just have to give in and leave him at home.
On a ride home from doing some evening errands...
Me: I really want to go to garage sales tomorrow.
The Hubs: Where's Donna?
Me: She has a friend visiting from Las Vegas this weekend.
The Hubs: What about Laura?
Me: She's sick.
The Hubs: I will pay you to find someone else to go with you!
Me: Really?
The Hubs: Yes, I'll give you whatever amount you want to please find someone else. Do you have gas in your car?
Me: No, I need to get gas in the morning.
The Hubs: I will ALSO fill up your gas tank if you PLEASE find someone else to go with you.
Apparently The Hubs needs a rest from having so much fun with me. Guess I'll find someone else.
I'll call Trish and see if she wants to go.
This was the first time Trish and I have gone junkin together. We met last spring when she bought some stuff from me off of Craigslist for an upcoming antique show she was doing. She is also Wild Whimsy
While talking we discovered that we read each others blogs. We kept in touch and had always talked about getting together to do a little junkin. Today the planets were aligned just right and it worked out.
We had a great time! We both found some really good junk.

I totally lost my mind with buying stuff. I had to get a shopping car to bring it all in the house.
I have no idea what I'm going to use it for but it was cute, metal, sturdy and ..........well I just had to have it.
I have a few things in mind but if you have any suggestions on what I should do with it, please let me know. I would love to hear what you would do with it.

I got a couple tablecloths on our junkin adventure.
Someday when I die, people are going to go through my stuff and say "what in the hell do you think she was going to do with all these tablecloths, sheets, pillowcases, and curtain panels?" Then they will go in to another room and say "Holly Crap! I didn't know she sewed?" "Why would she have all this fabric?"
It's an illness!

Old tray, lots of star molds and a couple packages of napkins.
I have plans for all of it!
I had a great time with Trish doing some serious junkin.
An event I have been looking so forward to. I have been wanting Downtown Snohomish to do something like this for years. I'm so happy that Annie coordinated it with Faded Elegance, Joyworks and the city of Snohomish to finally make it happen.

It was a beautiful day and I had the best time.
My friend Suzy totally got right with the Lord while we were shopping.
Here's how she did that
Last year I bought a really cute shopping cart from Lisa at A Thing For Roses while at The Farm Chicks. I took this cute little cart with me yesterday (Lisa I had so many compliments on it as well as I could have sold 40 of them.) and Suzy was loving it. She said "I need one of those!" As we were going through some of the booths Suzy found a cute little cart and snatched it.
We were walking and these very cute couple of ladies stopped us and chatted about my cart and where I got it. The whole time one was admiring Suzy's cart that had turquoise wheels on it.
We ended our conversation and parted ways.
We ended our conversation and parted ways.
Then we saw them again and stopped to chat.
Again the woman admired Suzy's cart with the turquoise wheels and said she hadn't been able to find a cart.
Suzy being the super nice woman she is...................
"Here! You can have my cart, I didn't even notice the color of wheels on it and you did. You should have it."
So the "cart deal" took place right there in the street.

I'm so mad at myself for not getting these ladies' names. I know they read blogs so if your reading or you know this me!
Suzy got another cart.
Here are some of my finds from the fair.

The Pin Money Bank looks cute with my other ones
and the white milk glass.............I'm not sure yet what to do with it. I just liked it.
It was a great day! I got sunburned (which was stupid, see preivous post from this same time last year), spent time with my good friend Suzy whom I don't get to see very often. Shopped with my mom and my faux aunt Reta who I also don't get to shop with much anymore and ...............
I met so many bloggers!
Ladies it was so fun to meet all of you and your husbands. I have been chatting with some of you through e-mail, commenting on blogs, you comment on mine and it was such a treat to finally get to meet you all.
I'm looking forward to getting together again.
Farm Chicks is going to be a blast meeting all the bloggers. Go to Camp Whimsy and check out her idea on how to meet other bloggers. It's BRILLANT!
I came home all giddy with excitement yesterday after such a good day.
After my weekend Junk-O-Rama and meeting all the bloggers.............
I'm totally inspired make some of my ideas a reality.
Have a great Day!
Hi Timi,
Glad you had fun, looked like you were ! We did too with my group of blog buddies.
What is better than sunshine, shopping and eating, LOL!
Fun to finally give you a hug and I look forward to chatting more at a Bloggust event soon!
To funny, hubby paying you, I like that idea though!!!
I came home with small treasures, so I am happy.
Linda Q
I love the red and white stuff.
And I especially love the star molds.
If your plans for them don't pan out, let me know I could use them for a bunch of things in the bakery.
Glad you had a great time and found some wonderful new treasures!!
Oh Timi,
Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. I loved the story about your friend selling the cart she just bought. I have a similar story. I was at Goodwill awhile back and found a cart and was heading up to the check out when an older couple commented on it and asked if there were any more. I said no, but as I have a million more carts at home just like it I let them buy it. Does that mean I'll get a ticket to heaven too? I'm so glad you got lots of compliments on your cart. I need to get busy and make some more for Farm Chicks. Less than 3 weeks away, can't wait!
Linens are like shoes I need them in every color! You are a hoot.
I like all the items including the little cart with the colorful wheels. LOL.
Let me know if you come to Cinti, Ohio I'll meet you for some shopping and girl fun!
aww girl.. you are the BEST to go Junkin' with.. but I really wish you would have told the story about the ivy candleabras:) I still feel bad:(
Hope we get to do it again soon!
Timi it was great meeting you too! I'd love to meet up again! And your hubbs sounds just like mine! The poor guy had to spend the whole day with 4 chatting women....he's a trooper but I owe him one! *winks* Vanna
Timi--sorry I missed meeting you. Not feeling well . . .major bummer! Glad you had such a great time.
If Suzy gets pangs for her turquoise wheels cart, I have one exactly like it for sale this weekend at the Langely Antique Show (southern tip of Whidbey Island). It's gonna be a GORGEOUS show!!
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