Paula Deen Dogged Us
Yep folks you read it right.
Paula Deen stood us up for our big 70th year Gregory family reunion.
I know , I know your all saying “wow, what a rude bitch that Palua Deen is!”
In case you don't know about the invite
In her defense it wasn't entirely her fault. I didn’t attach an RSVP to that invite so it’s not like she HAD to let me know she was for sure going to be there or not.
Still she probably should have let me know.
Normally if someone was a no show at one of my parties I would just say "oh well, they missed out" Then think twice about inviting them to the next party.
Yeah, I take it personally........... that's how I roll!
Being published on the Paula Deen web magazine and wondering if she or some of her staff (Brandon her gay, is who I was hoping for) would really show up just started more bat shit craziness around here at The House of B's that had crazy already in full swing.
I spent the last couple weeks before the reunion, running around like a crazy woman (and making my mother crazy too) trying to get ready. As if the general getting ready stuff wasn't enough........ Oh no no no.......I had to start adding stuff on top of all that.
Yes, this is were the bat shit crazy really kicks in.
I spent hours upon hours over the weeks prior to the reunion looking for matching tablecloths. I know your saying "why, who the hell cares?"
I was hell bent on finding red and white picnic check vinyl tablecloths that all matched for 10 tables. Over the years everyone has brought tablecloths to the reunion and we just put what we had on the tables.
This year they needed to match. Partly because Paula Deen or Brandon might show up and mostly because it looks better in pictures.
This was also part of my efforts (bat shit craziness) to make our 4th of July a complete "theme" weekend.
I had my mother looking, I sent Laura looking, I sent Donna looking, I looked and we came up with nothing that was suitable or that I could get 10 to match.
In the final hours before leaving, I settled with a huge roll of disposable red and white plastic table covering that I picked up at Cash and Carry.
100 yards for $9.99, not exactly what I wanted but it worked and it was more affordable than the $37.99 each I was considering.
I don't know about you but, when I spend a lot of money on a tablecloth and then something gets spilt on it I go nuts. I try to act like it's no big deal on the outside to my guests but inside I'm freakin flipping out. They would have had to drive me to the mental hospital on reunion day had I put those $37.99 cloths on the tables and something got spilled on them.
This is why thrift store tablecloths and vinyl disposable tablecloths are my friend.
They are like anti crazy medication for me.
OK, back to my story...............
Other craziness that happened.............
Finding the perfect 4th of July decorations for tables, trailers, parade, walkers, dogs and kids. Baking, cooking, packing a trailer, getting Charlie to the beauty shop so he would be parade ready. Then trying to decided what to wear and what shoes I should take.
There is also the on going "discussion" that The Hubs and I have before every trip.......weight limits on loading The Mobile Estate.
Busy Busy Busy!
So let me show you a little of what Paula missed
Welcome to Stanton Park Canyonville Oregon.

Where the Gregory Family takes over the lower half of the park and we turn it in to Gregoryville.

Everything looks better on matching tablecloths
A little glamping going on there on that table.
The tablecloths are on, the decorations are hung........let the festivities begin!

This is my Great Uncle and Aunt
They celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary last month.
How freakin cool is that?
Apparently there are some of us that are a bit hard of hearing, some of us that are stone deaf, and some of us that just never stop talking long enough to let someone else speak. A PA system was truly the best thing that happen to us.
It made it's debut at the family reunion
Early Saturday morning (way too early after pulling an expensive late night the night before at the casino with my mother) Jay and I started making donuts to be served with fresh hot coffee.
Also on the menu which was not shown was a big ole pot of sausage gravy and buttermilk biscuits.
Ohhhhh we know how to eat!
We usually have our reunion the first weekend in August. Because of a scheduling issue with Douglas County Parks Department (the issue being that it doesn’t matter that we have reserved the same places in the park, the same week, for the same reason for the last 15 years, they decided to rent to another group. If there is someone in the Douglas County Parks reservation office that takes bribes please contact us. We are happy to meet your demands to ensure we get our weekend back.) we had to have it over the 4th of July. Which in the beginning everyone was all “this sucks”, “we don’t to do it that weekend” “ why can’t we do it the weekend we always do it?” You know bitch bitch bitch. Me being one of those big time bitchers.
After hearing this news Princess Spoiled Brat sent a little note to Cousins Jim and Angie. Here’s a copy of the note she sent.
From Jim to all family members;
I want a parade! We received this note from Kayelee (aka Princess Spoiled Brat). She really wants a parade at the reunion — so let‟s accommodate her. We‟ll have a parade of bikes, pets and people too. . .of all ages. Even if you don't have a bike or pet, dress up for the 4th of July Parade! Oh yeah, and bring "decrashiains‟ too!
After that note went out to everyone there was excitement in the air. We had to start preparing for the parade.
I don’t know about all you, but usually on 4th of July we go some where. We let someone plan all our entertainment for the day. We go to a parade and then we watch fireworks. Not much thought goes in to it. This year…………..we had to actually think about it, think about what we were going to do and how we were going to make our own fun with our family and friends.
Princess Spoiled Brat, Grammy and I started planning what we were going to do.
Meet Paige
Our new BFF cousin
Her enthusiasm for everything was infectious.
We party planners LOVED IT!
Hope she continues to attend every year.

Not even Great Grandma was spared a face paint application.
Nor was Penelope spared
Then it was time to get bikes, scooters, and anything else with wheels decorated.

I'm not sure how she managed it but Princess Spoiled Brat got Grammy to do all the bike decorating. Do you see any help there with poor Grammy?

Everyone lined up and ready to go.

She looks like she was barkin out orders to get ready.
She wasn't , she was probably telling me not to take that picture!

Your parade MC's
Jim and Angie

A parade through the park.
It was like hurding cats to get us organized.
Paige and Princess Spoiled Brat right in front!
Grammy all decked out

*****Like my cute apron?
Avaliable at Joyworks in Snohomish
Don't know about Joyworks?
You better get them on your shopping radar!
He wouldn't walk and I had to carry him.
But he looked cute!
Any questions?
They will be celebrating thier 45 wedding anniversary in a couple weeks.
Yeah they rode that bike in the parade and..They looked darn cute!
The Hubs and Clark
I hear they also both hold the title of
Best Son-in Laws ever.
This was alot of fun, we did our parade waves, threw candy, and laughed until we thought we were going to wet our pants.
A good time had by all!
Then it was time for a little R&R before the afternoon fest began.
Of course there is always a water fight of some sort.
It was a 103 at one point in the day.

One that was going to drench one of the adults
It was a great well thought out plan
or was it????
DANG!!! Foiled again by the adults
Annabelle is an adopted Gregory.

Did I mention it was 103 that day?
So exciting to see lots of new faces this year.
Ninja guy!
More story telling

Some of us went home richer than others

Your burger and dog runner Clark
The picture of summer
This is Penelope

This is Annabelle.
She discovered that a water fight with Charlie was a lot dryer than with the other kids.

We picked her up in the parade through the park. She and her family had come from Coos Bay to camp for the weekend.
She ended up spending the rest of the weekend playing with the kids in our camp.
She was so dang cute we wanted to keep her.
This my grandmother
She looks like Hallmarks Maxine
Lots of visiting and catching up on what's been happenin in everyone's lives.

We hope to see them again year after year.

He totally cracked me up
Be the Ninja! Feel the Ninja within..........

Grandma demanded pictures with the kids......
The kids wanted to go play
Poor Grandma
Then it was time to fire up the grills..............

Your grill masters for the weekend

"Alice! Your on your third burger give someone else a chance to eat! "

A new bathing suite, a suntan, and a plate full of junk food.
Does it get any better than that?

This is Penelope
She went and got her little chair and shoved it right up to the desert end of the tables.
She really is a girl after my own heart
Food food and more food

If your a kid or a kid at heart it can never get dark fast enough on 4th of July

After Linner (too late for lunch but too early for dinner) it was time for a little
Pinata smashing

Let the fireworks begin

Boys will be boys

Who can blow thier fingers off first?

Some of us will be wondering how much wine we really had and why did they take a picture of that????
Some people just couldn't catch a break
New friends were made and some of us discovered we had a common love for My Little Pony
New family memebers were introduced, passed around, cheeks pinched, and spoiled by grammy's, great grammy's and wanabe grammy's.
Boyfriends were introduced to the family
Then as soon as we got there it seems like it was over and time to pack up and go home.
This is Jim and Angie

Who can blow thier fingers off first?

On to be remembered for a long time

You shouldn't leave your camera laying around.
and some of us said HELL NO to suggestions

and tested
I guess if he comes back next year it means he passed.

The Hubs
He's all biblical like in this picture with the sun shining so bright behind him.
He really is a ray of sunshine

Another year of fun!
Paula and Crew you totally missed out!

We need to give them a big
Thank you!
They are head newsletter sender outers
Cookbook putter togethers
Park Corrdinators
and all around information centeral for the Gregory Family
Thank you for keeping us together
Since this was our 70th year of family reunions I thought I would leave you with a few pictures from past reunions.
What an amazing time and tribute to your family! I am still hoping to be adopted and attend. Looks like all your bat crazy helped to make it successful.
Wow, it looks like you had a great time! You have some awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful family tradition with your adoring fans (like me!). I loved it! I know this blog was alot of work but it was awesome!
Thanks, Timi!
Oh my - Charlie is so stinkin' handsome! Check him out rockin' his red, white and blue!!
Looks like a fun holiday event was had by all!!
Paula didn't know what she missed, but I'm guessin you're not gonna be on her Xmas card list this year!
Love the apron!!!! And Charlie looks so stinkin' cute....actually I'm jealous of all the old pictures - that is awesome you have them!
Paula DID miss the way..I want some of those donuts!! Oh they look GOOD!!
I don't know how I got here...must of fell into a rabbit hole because this was a wonderland of a family gathering. Who says they just don't do it like the old days? Girl, y'all have it going on. I would love to be adopted and get to come next can pretend I'm Paula or Ben...either way!!!
Looks like at lot of fun was had by all! I love the parade...PSRB (Princess Spoiled Rotten Brat) must have been in hog haven. Our reunion is the weekend in Wenatchee. It'll be a cool 95 compared to your 103! I'll have the pictures on my blog next week.
I don't like our extended family very much. Yours looks great. Being that I have never been to a family reunion, (my crappy relatives would never plan one, nor would I attend) I am going to show up at yours next summer. July 4th is my birthday, so the August date would be better. I wouldn't want to act all attention-whoreish, so please tell me how I can help get your original date back.
Looks like an amazing time!! I love the old photos.
And I love that you dressed Charlie up, I don't think Lily would tolerate that. I'm dressing her as a cowboy for our bbq this weekend. We'll see how that goes.
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