Have a great day!
This is the ugly brick that surrounds the beautiful chocolate brown gas stove.
For the last 3 years we have been sitting every Saturday and Sunday morning in this room discussing what we should do with it. We talk, we watch HGTV, and we talk, and look at magazines, and we talk and talk some more. While I was sick laying on the couch last week The Hubs came down and said to me "what should we do about this room?" This time instead of buying in to his discussion of this room yet again I decided to take things in to my own hands and try a little master manipulation. My response..........."Do you have a hammer that's big enough to hit that brick with?" The Hubs, "Yeah, why?" Me, "Why don't you just hit the brick and see what happens, see whats behind it or how thick it is" The Hubs faster then I could blink was out the door to the garage and back in with a hammer. He whacks the wall and a huge hunk falls off. Well this gets him all excited. Another whack and the bricks just started coming apart in big hunks so he took down about 1/4 of the wall in the 10 minutes we were standing there. We discussed that maybe we would start working on this and get it down and then go from there. That brick wall is really what we hated the most.
On Saturday when I was at Barn House The Hubs worked on it a little bit more and when I got home I was shocked at how much better it looked. Even the ugly cedar paneling behind the brick looked better then that brick. Well because I wasn't feeling very well I just went to bed when I got home. Thinking "I'll help tomorrow and we can get a little more done."
OOOOOOOOOOOH NO NO NO! My Dad came down on Sunday with a big ass sledge hammer! They had that wall and platform down within an hour. AMAZING! Here is the wall and platform now in the trailer ready to go to recycling.
Here is what the room looks like now. It just looks bigger. The walls need to be re textured so I can paint them.
Michele in the cute little floral CAbi Sweatshirt, myself, and Donna
Yeah, I'm the dork with her eyes closed. It's my picture thing. Some people don't smile, some people always look beautiful, some people make faces. Me......I close my eyes!
This is the entry way. It was so inviting, you could see the beautiful food spread and lovely Mimosas from the parking lot. It really looked beautiful. Made you want to jump out of your car and run right up there!
The barn entrance. Spectacular!